File: src/js/RAMP/Modules/graphicExtension.js
/*global define, tmpl, RAMP */
//the "use strict" forces the ECMA Script 5 interpretation of the code
* @module RAMP
* @submodule Map
* GraphicExtension class containing helper functions for graphic objects, data attribute objects, and the bridging between the two
* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "Dictionary"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "TmplHelper"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "Util"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "Array"}}{{/crossLink}}
* ####Uses RAMP Templates:
* {{#crossLink "templates/point_details_list_Template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "templates/point_details_list_item_Template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @class GraphicExtension
* @static
// Utils
'utils/array', 'utils/dictionary', 'utils/util', 'utils/tmplHelper',
//details template
function (
// Utils
UtilArray, UtilDict, UtilMisc, TmplHelper,
//json details template
feature_details_template) {
'use strict';
return {
* Returns the object id of the given graphic object
* @param {esri/Graphic} graphic
* @method getGraphicOid
* @return {Integer} object id for the graphic
getGraphicOid: function (graphic) {
var objectIdField = graphic.getLayer().objectIdField;
return graphic.attributes[objectIdField];
* Returns the object id of the given feature data object
* @param {Object} fData a feature data object
* @method getFDataOid
* @return {Integer} object id for data attribute
getFDataOid: function (fData) {
return fData.attributes[fData.parent.idField];
* Returns the feature data object of the given graphic object
* @param {esri/Graphic} graphic
* @method getFDataForGraphic
* @return {Object} feature data object of the given graphic object. undefined if feature data object doesn't exist
getFDataForGraphic: function (graphic) {
var idx, ret,
data =[graphic.getLayer().id]; //the data parent for the layer the graphic belongs to
if (data) {
//use graphic object id as key in index to get position of data object
idx = data.index[this.getGraphicOid(graphic).toString()];
if (typeof idx !== undefined) {
ret = data.features[idx];
return ret;
* Returns the layer config node for a feature data object
* @param {Object} fData a feature data object
* @method getConfigForFData
* @return {Object} layer config node
getConfigForFData: function (fData) {
//DOJO circular reference nonsense not letting us use the Ramp module. will duplicate the function locally :'(
//return Ramp.getLayerConfigWithId(fData.parent.layerId);
return UtilArray.find(RAMP.config.layers.wms.concat(RAMP.config.layers.feature),
function (layerConfig) {
return === fData.parent.layerId;
* Get details popup content for a graphic (i.e. a point)
* @method getGraphicTextContent
* @private
* @param {esri/Graphic} graphic
* @return {Object} popup content for graphic
getGraphicTextContent: function (graphic) {
//TODO investigate ways to merge this logic with getFDataTextContent
var templateName = graphic.getLayer().ramp.config.templates.detail;
tmpl.cache = {};
tmpl.templates = JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(feature_details_template));
//grab the attribute data bound to this graphic
var fData = this.getFDataForGraphic(graphic);
if (fData) {
var datawrapper = TmplHelper.dataBuilder(fData, graphic.getLayer().ramp.config);
return tmpl(templateName, datawrapper);
} else {
//rare case where graphic has no current feature data
return '';
* Get popup content for a feature data object
* @method getFDataTextContent
* @private
* @param {Object} fData a feature data object
* @return {Object} popup content for feature data object
getFDataTextContent: function (fData) {
//TODO investigate ways to merge this logic with getGraphicTextContent
var lConfig = this.getConfigForFData(fData),
templateName = lConfig.templates.detail;
tmpl.cache = {};
tmpl.templates = JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(feature_details_template));
//grab the attribute data bound to this graphic
var datawrapper = TmplHelper.dataBuilder(fData, lConfig);
return tmpl(templateName, datawrapper);
* Returns the content of the name field of the provided graphic object
* @method getGraphicTitle
* @param {esri/Graphic} graphic a graphic object or a feature object
* @return {}
getGraphicTitle: function (graphic) {
var fData = this.getFDataForGraphic(graphic);
if (fData) {
return fData.attributes[graphic.getLayer().ramp.config.nameField];
} else {
//rare case where graphic has no current feature data
return '';
* Returns the content of the name field of the provided feature data object
* @method getFDataTitle
* @param {Object} fData a feature data object
* @return {}
getFDataTitle: function (fData) {
return fData.attributes[this.getConfigForFData(fData).nameField];
* Will find a graphic in a feature layer
* @method findGraphic
* @param {Integer} objectId an object id to find
* @param {String} layerId a feature layer id containing the graphic
* @return {esri/Graphic} graphic in the layer with the object id
findGraphic: function (objectId, layerId) {
var layer = RAMP.layerRegistry[layerId];
//with ondemand layers, graphics arrays are no longer guaranteed to be sorted by objectid. we can no longer use binaryFind.
//we only use this to find graphics when clicking the details / zoom button, so speed loss isn't felt often
return UtilArray.find(, function (a_graphic) {
return this.getGraphicOid(a_graphic) === objectId;
}, this);