
API Docs for: 5.4.2

File: src/js/RAMP/Utils/checkboxGroup.js

/* global define, console, $ */

* @module Utils

* Creates a Checkbox group bound from the supplied JArray of input nodes. Optionally, the group is bound to the supplied master input node
* which acts as a global toggle for the group.
* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "Array"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* {{#crossLink "Checkbox"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* @class CheckboxGroup
* @constructor
* @uses dojo/Evented
* @uses dojo/_base/declare
* @uses dojo/_base/lang
* @uses Checkbox
* @param {JArray} nodes a jQuery object representing the checkboxes to be grouped
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options
* @param {String} [options.nodeIdAttr] Name of the "data-*" attribute set on the checkbox node to be treated as the checkbox id. If no appropriate "data-*" attribute found,
* `nodeIdAttr` is used directly, failing that, regular `id` is used.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass] `active`, `focus`, and `check` CSS class to be applied to the Checkbox correspondingly.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass.active] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `active`.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass.focus] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `focused`.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass.check] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `checked`.
* @param {Object} [options.label] `check` and `uncheck` label texts to be applied to the Checkbox labels.
* @param {Object} [options.label.check] A text to be set as a label when the Checkbox is `checked`
* @param {Object} [options.label.uncheck] A text to be set as a label when the Checkbox is `unchecked`
* @param {Function} [options.onChnage] A function to be called when the state of the Checkbox changes.
* @param {Object} [options.master] Additional options applied to the master Checkbox.
* @param {Object} [options.master.node] An `input` node to serve as the master Checkbox for the group.
* @param {Object} [options.master.cssClass] `active`, `focus`, and `check` CSS class to be applied to the master Checkbox correspondingly.
* @param {Object} [options.master.cssClass.active] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `active`.
* @param {Object} [options.master.cssClass.focus] CSS class to be set when the master Checkbox is `focused`.
* @param {Object} [options.master.cssClass.check] CSS class to be set when the master Checkbox is `checked`.
* @param {Object} [options.master.label] `check` and `uncheck` label texts to be applied to the master Checkbox labels.
* @param {Object} [options.master.label.check] A text to be set as a label when the master Checkbox is `checked`
* @param {Object} [options.master.label.uncheck] A text to be set as a label when the master Checkbox is `unchecked`
* @param {Function} [options.master.onChnage] A function to be called when the state of the master Checkbox changes.
* @return {CheckboxGroup} A control objects allowing to toggle individual checkboxes in a group as well as the group as a whole.

define(["dojo/Evented", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang",

        "utils/checkbox", "utils/array"],
    function (Evented, declare, lang,
            Checkbox, Array) {
        "use strict";

        var CheckboxGroup;

        CheckboxGroup = declare([Evented], {
            constructor: function (nodes, options) {
                var that = this,

                // declare individual properties inside the constructor: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_base/declare.html#id6
                         * Nodes of the checkbox nodes originally supplied to the CheckboxGroup.
                         * @property nodes
                         * @type JArray
                         * @default []
                        nodes: [],

                         * Name of the "data-*" attribute set on the checkbox node to be treated as the checkbox id.
                         * @property nodeIdAttr
                         * @type String
                         * @default "id"
                        nodeIdAttr: "id",

                         * An array of the Checkbox object belonging to the body of the group.
                         * @property nodes
                         * @type Array
                         * @default []
                        checkboxes: [],

                         * `active`, `focus`, and `check` CSS class to be applied to the Checkbox correspondingly.
                         * @property cssClass
                         * @type {Object}
                         * @default
                         * @example
                         *      cssClass: {
                         *          active: "active",
                         *          focus: "focused",
                         *          check: "checked"
                         *      }
                        cssClass: {
                            active: "active",
                            focus: "focused",
                            check: "checked"

                         * `check` and `uncheck` label texts to be applied to the Checkbox labels.
                         * @property label
                         * @type {Object}
                         * @default
                         * @example
                         *      label: {
                         *          check: "check",
                         *          uncheck: "unchecked"
                         *      }
                        label: {
                            check: "checked",
                            uncheck: "unchecked"

                         * A function to be called when the state of the Checkbox changes.
                         * @property onChnage
                         * @type Function
                         * @default
                         * @example     function () { }
                        onChange: function () { },

                         * Options for the master Checkbox.
                         * @property master
                         * @type Object
                         * @default
                         * @example
                         *      master: {
                         *          node: null,
                         *          checkbox: null,
                         *          nodeIdAttr: null,
                         *          cssClass: {
                         *              active: "active",
                         *              focus: "focused",
                         *              check: "checked"
                         *          },
                         *          label: {
                         *              check: "checked",
                         *              uncheck: "unchecked"
                         *          },
                         *          onChange: function () { }
                         *      }
                        master: {
                            node: null,
                            checkbox: null,
                            nodeIdAttr: null,

                            cssClass: {
                                active: "active",
                                focus: "focused",
                                check: "checked"
                            label: {
                                check: "checked",
                                uncheck: "unchecked"

                            onChange: function () { }
                        nodes: nodes

                masterCheckboxOptions = {
                    nodeIdAttr: this.nodeIdAttr,
                    cssClass: this.cssClass,
                    label: this.label,
                    onChange: this.onChange

                if (this.master.node) {
                    this.master.checkbox = new Checkbox(
                        lang.mixin(masterCheckboxOptions, this.master)

                    this.master.checkbox.on(Checkbox.event.TOGGLE, function (evt) {
                        // re-emit individual checkbox's toggle event as groups;
                        console.log("CheckboxGroup Master ->", evt.checkbox.id, "set by", evt.agency, "to", evt.checkbox.state);

                        that.emit(CheckboxGroup.event.MASTER_TOGGLE, evt);

                        if (evt.agency === Checkbox.agency.USER) {
                } else {
                    this.master = null;


            addCheckbox: function (nodes) {
                var that = this,
                    checkboxOptions = {
                        nodeIdAttr: this.nodeIdAttr,
                        cssClass: this.cssClass,
                        label: this.label,
                        onChange: this.onChange

                // Create individual Checkboxes
                nodes.each(function (index, node) {
                    node = $(node);

                    cbIndex = Array.indexOf(that.checkboxes, function (cb) {
                        return cb.node.is(node);

                    if (cbIndex === -1) {

                        checkbox = new Checkbox(node, checkboxOptions);

                        checkbox.on(Checkbox.event.TOGGLE, function (evt) {
                            // re-emit individual checkbox's toggle event as groups;
                            //console.log("CheckboxGroup ->", evt.checkbox.id, "set by", evt.agency, "to", evt.checkbox.state);

                            that.emit(CheckboxGroup.event.MEMBER_TOGGLE, evt);

                            if (evt.agency === Checkbox.agency.USER) {
                    } else {
                        // reset the checkbox, just in case


             * Synchronizes the state of the master Checkbox with the state of the group.
             * All group members checked -> master checked
             * Any of the group members unchecked -> master unchecked
             * @method _checkMaster
             * @private
            _checkMaster: function () {
                var allChecked;

                // "INVALID" state is parsed as "true" so it's counted in, but is ignored otherwise
                allChecked = this.checkboxes.every(function (checkbox) { return checkbox.validate().state; }) === true;

                // set state to the master checkbox only if you have one
                if (this.master) {

            * Toggles the state of the specified Checkbox. If checkboxId is not supplied, toggles the whole group.
            * @method setState
            * @param {Boolean} state Specifies the state of the checkbox: true, false
            * @param {String} [checkboxId] Specifies the checkbox to toggle.
            * @return CheckboxGroup
            * @chainable
            setState: function (state, checkboxId) {
                var checkbox,
                    masterCheckboxId = this.master.checkbox ? this.master.checkbox.id : undefined;

                if (!checkboxId || masterCheckboxId === checkboxId) {

                    this.checkboxes.forEach(function (checkbox) {
                } else {
                    // use for loop because you can't break out of forEach loop
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.checkboxes.length; i++) {
                        checkbox = this.checkboxes[i];
                        if (checkbox.id === checkboxId) {

                    // make sure there is a checkbox to set state on
                    if (checkbox) {


                return this;

            * Toggle all the checkboxes based on the return value of the given function.
            * @param {Function} fcn a function that takes a checkbox as an argument and returns
            * true if the given checkbox should be toggled on, false if it should be toggled off
            * @method setEachState
            * @chainable
            setEachState: function (fcn) {
                this.checkboxes.forEach(function (checkbox) {
                return this;

            _purgeInvalid: function () {
                var i,

                for (i = this.checkboxes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    checkbox = this.checkboxes[i];
                    if (checkbox.state === Checkbox.state.INVALID) {
                        Array.remove(this.checkboxes, i);

                * Event names published by the Checkbox
                * @private
                * @property event
                * @type Object
                * @default null
                * @example
                *      {
                *          MEMBER_TOGGLE: "checkbox/toggled",
                *          MASTER_TOGGLE: "checkbox/toggled"
                *      }
                event: {
                    * This event is not published by CheckboxGroup. __Ignore this.__
                    * @event TOGGLE
                    * @private

                    * Published whenever a Checkbox get toggled.
                    * @event MEMBER_TOGGLE
                    * @param event {Object}
                    * @param event.checkbox {Checkbox} Checkbox object that has been toggled
                    * @param event.agency {String} Agency that toggled the Checkbox
                    MEMBER_TOGGLE: "checkbox/member-toggle",

                    * Published whenever the master Checkbox get toggled.
                    * @event MASTER_TOGGLE
                    * @param event {Object}
                    * @param event.checkbox {Checkbox} master Checkbox object that has been toggled
                    * @param event.agency {String} Agency that toggled the Checkbox
                    MASTER_TOGGLE: "checkbox/master-toggle"

        return CheckboxGroup;