
API Docs for: 5.4.2

File: src/js/RAMP/Utils/tmplHelper.js

/* global define, RAMP, tmpl */
/* jshint bitwise:false  */

* Utility module containing useful static classes.
* @module Utils

* A set of functions used to support and standardize the use of templating.
* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "RAMP"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* {{#crossLink "TmplUtil"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* @class TmplHelper
* @static
* @uses dojo/_base/lang

define(["dojo/_base/lang", "utils/tmplUtil"],
    function (lang, TmplUtil) {
        "use strict";

        return {
             * Create a data wrapper with properties: data, config, str, lyr, fn
             * @method dataBuilder
             * @param {Object} data A json object passing over.
             * @param {String} layerConfig config object for specific layer (optional)
             * @returns {Object} Returns a JSON object with following properties
             *      .data = {}
             *      .config = <global config object>
             *      .lyr = <global config object . layers.feature [parameter index] >
             *      .fn = object with helper functions assigned to it.
            dataBuilder: function (data, layerConfig) {
                var dataWrapperPrototype = {
                    data: null,
                    config: null,
                    str: null,
                    lyr: null,
                    fn: null
                    dataWrapper = Object.create(dataWrapperPrototype);

                dataWrapper.data = data;
                dataWrapper.config = RAMP.config;

                if (layerConfig != null) {
                    dataWrapper.lyr = layerConfig;

                dataWrapper.fn = TmplUtil;
                return dataWrapper;

             * Create a data wrapper with properties: data, config, str, fn
             * @method genericDataBuilder
             * @param {Object} data A json object passing over.
             * @returns {Object} Returns a JSON object with following properties
             *      .data = {}
             *      .config = <global config object>
             *      .lyr = <global config object . featurelayers [parameter index] >
             *      .fn = object with helper functions assigned to it.
            genericDataBuilder: function (data) {
                var dataWrapperPrototype = {
                    data: null,
                    config: null,
                    str: null,
                    fn: null
                    dataWrapper = Object.create(dataWrapperPrototype);

                dataWrapper.data = data;
                dataWrapper.config = RAMP.config;

                dataWrapper.fn = TmplUtil;
                return dataWrapper;

             *  strips comments from json template
             * @method stringifyTemplate
             * @param {String} template A template in JSON format
             * @returns {String} A JSON template without comments
            stringifyTemplate: function (template) {
                return template
                    // strip comments from the template
                                         function (s) {
                                             if (s.charAt(0) === '/') {
                                                 return '';
                                             } else {
                                                 return s;
                    // remove hard breaks and tabs
                    .replace(/[\n\r\t]/g, "")
                    .replace(/>\s*?</g, "><")

                    // strip spaces between html and other tags
                    .replace(/%}\s*?</g, "%}<")
                    .replace(/>\s*?{%/g, ">{%")

                    .replace(/"\s*?</g, '"<')
                    .replace(/>\s*?"/g, '>"');

            * Populates a template specified by the key with the supplied data.
            * @param {String} key template name
            * @param {Object} data data to be inserted into the template
            * @param {Object} templates a set of templates to run the engine against
            * @method template
            * @private
            * @return {String} a string template filled with supplied data
            template: function (key, data, templates) {
                var d = lang.clone(data) || {};
                tmpl.cache = {};
                tmpl.templates = templates;

                d.fn = TmplUtil;

                return tmpl(key, d);