The starter module for RCS. Currently it contains most of the functional code
for RCS and this should eventually end up in separate modules or packages.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import json, pycouchdb, requests, jsonschema, regparse, db, config, os, sys, logging
from functools import wraps
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, Response, current_app, got_request_exception
from flask.ext.restful import reqparse, request, abort, Api, Resource
# FIXME clean this up
app = Flask(__name__)
if os.environ.get('RCS_CONFIG'):
handler = RotatingFileHandler( app.config['LOG_FILE'], maxBytes=10000, backupCount=1 )
handler.setLevel( app.config['LOG_LEVEL'] )
handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s '
'[in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]'
loggers = [app.logger, logging.getLogger('regparse.sigcheck')]
for l in loggers:
l.addHandler( handler )
db.init_auth_db( app.config['DB_CONN'], app.config['AUTH_DB'] )
db.init_doc_db( app.config['DB_CONN'], app.config['STORAGE_DB'] )
# client[app.config['DB_NAME']].authenticate( app.config['DB_USER'], app.config['DB_PASS'] )
schema_path = app.config['REG_SCHEMA']
if not os.path.exists(schema_path):
schema_path = os.path.join( sys.prefix, schema_path )
validator = jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator( json.load(open(schema_path)) )
[docs]def log_exception(sender,exception):
Detailed error logging function. Designed to attach to Flask exception
events and logs a bit of extra infomration about the request that triggered
the exception.
:param sender: The sender for the exception (we don't use this and log everyhing against app right now)
:param exception: The exception that was triggered
:type exception: Exception
Request: {method} {path}
IP: {ip}
Raw Agent: {agent}
method = request.method,
path = request.path,
ip = request.remote_addr,
agent = request.user_agent.string,
), exc_info=exception
got_request_exception.connect(log_exception, app)
[docs]def jsonp(func):
A decorator function that wraps JSONified output for JSONP requests.
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
callback = request.args.get('callback', False)
if callback:
data = str(func(*args, **kwargs).data)
content = str(callback) + '(' + data + ')'
mimetype = 'application/javascript'
return current_app.response_class(content, mimetype=mimetype)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
[docs]def make_id( key, lang ):
Generates an RCS ID in the form rcs.a82d987e.en
:param key: The key to use for generating the unique id (keys are shared amongst different languages)
:type key: str
:param lang: The two letter language code for generating the unique id
:type lang: str
:returns: str -- an id that should be unique amongst all RCS ids
return "{0}.{1}.{2}".format('rcs',key,lang)
[docs]class Doc(Resource):
Container class for all web requests for single documents
[docs] def get(self, lang, smallkey):
A REST endpoint for fetching a single document from the doc store.
:param lang: A two letter language code for the response
:param smallkey: A short key which uniquely identifies the dataset
:type smallkey: str
:returns: Response -- a JSON response object; None with a 404 code if the key was not matched
doc = db.get_doc( smallkey, lang, self.version )
print( doc )
if doc is None:
return None,404
return Response(json.dumps(doc), mimetype='application/json')
[docs]class Docs(Resource):
Container class for all web requests for sets of documents
[docs] def get(self, lang, smallkeylist):
A REST endpoint for fetching a single document from the doc store.
:param lang: A two letter language code for the response
:type lang: str
:param smallkeylist: A comma separated string of short keys each of which identifies a single dataset
:type smallkeylist: str
:returns: list -- an array of JSON configuration fragments (empty error objects are added where keys do not match)
keys = [ x.strip() for x in smallkeylist.split(',') ]
docs = [ db.get_doc(smallkey, lang, self.version) for smallkey in keys ]
print( docs )
return Response(json.dumps(docs), mimetype='application/json')
[docs]class DocV09(Doc):
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.version = '0.9'
[docs]class DocV1(Doc):
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.version = '1'
[docs]class DocsV09(Docs):
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.version = '0.9'
[docs]class DocsV1(Docs):
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.version = '1'
[docs]class Register(Resource):
Container class for all catalog requests for registering new features
[docs] def put(self, smallkey):
A REST endpoint for adding or editing a single layer.
All registration requests must contain entries for all languages and will be validated against a JSON schema.
:param smallkey: A unique identifier for the dataset (can be any unique string, but preferably should be short)
:type smallkey: str
:returns: JSON Response -- 201 on success; 400 with JSON payload of an errors array on failure
s = json.loads( request.data )
except Exception:
return '{"errors":["Unparsable json"]}',400
if not validator.is_valid( s ):
resp = { 'errors': [x.message for x in validator.iter_errors(s)] }
app.logger.info( resp )
return Response(json.dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json', status=400)
data = dict( key=smallkey )
if s['payload_type'] == 'wms':
data['en'] = regparse.wms.make_node( s['en'], make_id(smallkey,'en'), app.config )
data['fr'] = regparse.wms.make_node( s['fr'], make_id(smallkey,'fr'), app.config )
data['en'] = regparse.esri_feature.make_node( s['en'], make_id(smallkey,'en'), app.config )
data['fr'] = regparse.esri_feature.make_node( s['fr'], make_id(smallkey,'fr'), app.config )
except regparse.metadata.MetadataException as mde:
app.logger.warning( 'Metadata could not be retrieved for layer', exc_info=mde )
abort( 400, msg=mde.message )
app.logger.debug( data )
db.put_doc( smallkey, { 'type':s['payload_type'], 'data':data } )
app.logger.info( 'added a smallkey %s' % smallkey )
return smallkey, 201
[docs] def delete(self, smallkey):
A REST endpoint for removing a layer.
:param smallkey: A unique identifier for the dataset
:type smallkey: str
:returns: JSON Response -- 204 on success; 500 on failure
# valid_sig = regparse.sigcheck.test_request( request )
# FIXME send a proper error on missing key
db.delete_doc( smallkey )
app.logger.info( 'removed a smallkey %s' % smallkey )
return '', 204
except pycouchdb.exceptions.NotFound as nfe:
app.logger.info( 'smallkey was not found %s' % smallkey, exc_info=nfe )
return '',404
api_0_9_bp = Blueprint('api_0_9', __name__, url_prefix='/v0.9')
api_0_9 = Api(api_0_9_bp)
api_0_9.add_resource(DocV09, '/doc/<string:lang>/<string:smallkey>')
api_0_9.add_resource(DocsV09, '/docs/<string:lang>/<string:smallkeylist>')
api_1_bp = Blueprint('api_1', __name__, url_prefix='/v1')
api_1 = Api(api_1_bp)
api_1.add_resource(DocV1, '/doc/<string:lang>/<string:smallkey>')
api_1.add_resource(DocsV1, '/docs/<string:lang>/<string:smallkeylist>')
api_1.add_resource(Register, '/register/<string:smallkey>')
if __name__ == '__main__':
for l in loggers:
l.info( 'logger started' )