Source code for rcs

The starter module for RCS.  Currently it contains most of the functional code
for RCS and this should eventually end up in separate modules or packages.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import json, pycouchdb, requests, jsonschema, regparse, db, config, os, sys, logging

from functools import wraps
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
from flask import Flask, Blueprint, Response, current_app, got_request_exception
from flask.ext.restful import reqparse, request, abort, Api, Resource

# FIXME clean this up
app = Flask(__name__)
if os.environ.get('RCS_CONFIG'):
handler = RotatingFileHandler( app.config['LOG_FILE'], maxBytes=10000, backupCount=1 )
handler.setLevel( app.config['LOG_LEVEL'] )
handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(
    '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s '
    '[in %(pathname)s:%(lineno)d]'

loggers = [app.logger, logging.getLogger('regparse.sigcheck')]
for l in loggers:
    l.addHandler( handler )

db.init_auth_db( app.config['DB_CONN'], app.config['AUTH_DB'] )
db.init_doc_db( app.config['DB_CONN'], app.config['STORAGE_DB'] )
# client[app.config['DB_NAME']].authenticate( app.config['DB_USER'], app.config['DB_PASS'] )
schema_path = app.config['REG_SCHEMA']
if not os.path.exists(schema_path):
    schema_path = os.path.join( sys.prefix, schema_path )
validator = jsonschema.validators.Draft4Validator( json.load(open(schema_path)) )

[docs]def log_exception(sender,exception): """ Detailed error logging function. Designed to attach to Flask exception events and logs a bit of extra infomration about the request that triggered the exception. :param sender: The sender for the exception (we don't use this and log everyhing against app right now) :param exception: The exception that was triggered :type exception: Exception """ app.logger.error( """ Request: {method} {path} IP: {ip} Raw Agent: {agent} """.format( method = request.method, path = request.path, ip = request.remote_addr, agent = request.user_agent.string, ), exc_info=exception )
got_request_exception.connect(log_exception, app)
[docs]def jsonp(func): """ A decorator function that wraps JSONified output for JSONP requests. """ @wraps(func) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): callback = request.args.get('callback', False) if callback: data = str(func(*args, **kwargs).data) content = str(callback) + '(' + data + ')' mimetype = 'application/javascript' return current_app.response_class(content, mimetype=mimetype) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
[docs]def make_id( key, lang ): """ Generates an RCS ID in the form rcs.a82d987e.en :param key: The key to use for generating the unique id (keys are shared amongst different languages) :type key: str :param lang: The two letter language code for generating the unique id :type lang: str :returns: str -- an id that should be unique amongst all RCS ids """ return "{0}.{1}.{2}".format('rcs',key,lang)
[docs]class Doc(Resource): """ Container class for all web requests for single documents """ @jsonp
[docs] def get(self, lang, smallkey): """ A REST endpoint for fetching a single document from the doc store. :param lang: A two letter language code for the response :param smallkey: A short key which uniquely identifies the dataset :type smallkey: str :returns: Response -- a JSON response object; None with a 404 code if the key was not matched """ doc = db.get_doc( smallkey, lang, self.version ) print( doc ) if doc is None: return None,404 return Response(json.dumps(doc), mimetype='application/json')
[docs]class Docs(Resource): """ Container class for all web requests for sets of documents """ @jsonp
[docs] def get(self, lang, smallkeylist): """ A REST endpoint for fetching a single document from the doc store. :param lang: A two letter language code for the response :type lang: str :param smallkeylist: A comma separated string of short keys each of which identifies a single dataset :type smallkeylist: str :returns: list -- an array of JSON configuration fragments (empty error objects are added where keys do not match) """ keys = [ x.strip() for x in smallkeylist.split(',') ] docs = [ db.get_doc(smallkey, lang, self.version) for smallkey in keys ] print( docs ) return Response(json.dumps(docs), mimetype='application/json')
[docs]class DocV09(Doc):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(DocV09,self).__init__() self.version = '0.9'
[docs]class DocV1(Doc):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(DocV1,self).__init__() self.version = '1'
[docs]class DocsV09(Docs):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(DocsV09,self).__init__() self.version = '0.9'
[docs]class DocsV1(Docs):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(DocsV1,self).__init__() self.version = '1'
[docs]class Register(Resource): """ Container class for all catalog requests for registering new features """ @regparse.sigcheck.validate
[docs] def put(self, smallkey): """ A REST endpoint for adding or editing a single layer. All registration requests must contain entries for all languages and will be validated against a JSON schema. :param smallkey: A unique identifier for the dataset (can be any unique string, but preferably should be short) :type smallkey: str :returns: JSON Response -- 201 on success; 400 with JSON payload of an errors array on failure """ try: s = json.loads( ) except Exception: return '{"errors":["Unparsable json"]}',400 if not validator.is_valid( s ): resp = { 'errors': [x.message for x in validator.iter_errors(s)] } resp ) return Response(json.dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json', status=400) data = dict( key=smallkey ) try: if s['payload_type'] == 'wms': data['en'] = regparse.wms.make_node( s['en'], make_id(smallkey,'en'), app.config ) data['fr'] = regparse.wms.make_node( s['fr'], make_id(smallkey,'fr'), app.config ) else: data['en'] = regparse.esri_feature.make_node( s['en'], make_id(smallkey,'en'), app.config ) data['fr'] = regparse.esri_feature.make_node( s['fr'], make_id(smallkey,'fr'), app.config ) except regparse.metadata.MetadataException as mde: app.logger.warning( 'Metadata could not be retrieved for layer', exc_info=mde ) abort( 400, msg=mde.message ) app.logger.debug( data ) db.put_doc( smallkey, { 'type':s['payload_type'], 'data':data } ) 'added a smallkey %s' % smallkey ) return smallkey, 201
[docs] def delete(self, smallkey): """ A REST endpoint for removing a layer. :param smallkey: A unique identifier for the dataset :type smallkey: str :returns: JSON Response -- 204 on success; 500 on failure """ # valid_sig = regparse.sigcheck.test_request( request ) # FIXME send a proper error on missing key try: db.delete_doc( smallkey ) 'removed a smallkey %s' % smallkey ) return '', 204 except pycouchdb.exceptions.NotFound as nfe: 'smallkey was not found %s' % smallkey, exc_info=nfe ) return '',404
api_0_9_bp = Blueprint('api_0_9', __name__, url_prefix='/v0.9') api_0_9 = Api(api_0_9_bp) api_0_9.add_resource(DocV09, '/doc/<string:lang>/<string:smallkey>') api_0_9.add_resource(DocsV09, '/docs/<string:lang>/<string:smallkeylist>') app.register_blueprint(api_0_9_bp) api_1_bp = Blueprint('api_1', __name__, url_prefix='/v1') api_1 = Api(api_1_bp) api_1.add_resource(DocV1, '/doc/<string:lang>/<string:smallkey>') api_1.add_resource(DocsV1, '/docs/<string:lang>/<string:smallkeylist>') api_1.add_resource(Register, '/register/<string:smallkey>') app.register_blueprint(api_1_bp) if __name__ == '__main__': for l in loggers: l.setLevel(0) 'logger started' )