Reusable Accessible Mapping Platform

API Docs for: 5.2.0

File: src\js\RAMP\Modules\maptips.js

/*global define, $, window, Modernizr, tmpl */
/*jslint white: true */

* @module Map
* @submodule Maptips

* Maptips class.
* The map tip module provides functions to create a small popup window as the mouse hovers over a feature on the map (point, polygon, line, etc.).
* NOTE: This module uses global config object. featureLayers->mapTipSettings
* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "RAMP"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* {{#crossLink "EventManager"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* {{#crossLink "TmplHelper"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* ####Uses RAMP Templates:
* {{#crossLink "templates/feature_hovertip_template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "templates/feature_anchortip_template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @class Maptips
* @static
* @uses dojo/topic

* @uses templates/feature_hovertip_template.json
* @uses templates/feature_anchortip_template.json

/* Dojo */

/* Ramp */
        "ramp/ramp", "ramp/eventManager",

/*tmplHelper */

/* json hover template file */
/* json archor template file*/

    function (
    /* Dojo */
    /* Ramp */
        Ramp, EventManager,

    /*tmplHelper */
        TmplHelper, hovertips_template, anchortips_template
    ) {
        "use strict";

        var hovertips_template_json = JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(hovertips_template)),
            anchortips_template_json = JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(anchortips_template)),
            maptipPrototype = {
                node: null,
                handle: null,
                graphic: null

            speed = 150,
            tolerance = 0,

            highTooltip = Object.create(maptipPrototype),


        * Returns the position of the sub-panel relative to the leftmost edge of the screen.
        * @method getSubPanelLeftOffset
        * @private
        * @return {Number} position of the sub-panel relative to the leftmost edge of the screen
        function getSubPanelLeftOffset() {
            return $(window).width() - subPanelOffset;

        * Returns the position of the maptip relative to the leftmost edge of the screen.
        * @method getToolTipOffset
        * @private
        * @return {Number} the position of the maptip relative to the leftmost edge of the screen
        function getToolTipOffset() {
            var offset = 0;

            if (highTooltip.handle !== null && highTooltip.node !== null) {
                offset = parseInt(highTooltip.node.css("left"), 10) + highTooltip.node.width() / 2 - 20;

            return offset;

        * Checks if the maptip is hidden by the sub-panel and publishes a center-at event to pan the map, moving maptip into view.
        * @method checkMaptipPosition
        * @private
        * @param  {jObject} target a node to which the tooltip will be attached
        * @param  {Object} graphic [description]
        function checkMaptipPosition(target, graphic) {
            graphic = graphic || highTooltip.graphic || null;
            target = target || highTooltip.handle || null;

            if (target && graphic &&
                target.offset().left > getSubPanelLeftOffset()) {
                //console.log("offsets", target.offset().left, getSubPanelLeftOffset());
                topic.publish(EventManager.Map.CENTER_AT, {
                    point: graphic._extent.getCenter()

                topic.publish(EventManager.Maptips.EXTENT_CHANGE, {
                    scroll: false
            } else {
                topic.publish(EventManager.Maptips.EXTENT_CHANGE, {
                    scroll: true

        * Generates content for a maptip.
        * @method getMaptipContent
        * @private
        * @param  {Object} graphic map graphic the tip is describing
        * @param  {String} interactive indicates whether the maptip should have a close button
        function getMaptipContent(graphic, interactive) {
            //the graphic might be in a highlight layer, if so we need the source layer id
            var layerId = graphic.getLayer().sourceLayerId;
            if (!layerId) {
                //graphic was not in a highlight layer
                layerId = graphic.getLayer().id;

            var layerConfig = Ramp.getLayerConfigWithId(layerId),
               templateKey = "",

            tmpl.cache = {};

            if (interactive === true) {
                templateKey = layerConfig.templates.anchor;
                tmpl.templates = anchortips_template_json;
            } else {
                templateKey = layerConfig.templates.hover;
                tmpl.templates = hovertips_template_json;

            datawrapper = TmplHelper.dataBuilder(graphic, layerConfig);
            maptipContent = tmpl(templateKey, datawrapper);

            return maptipContent;

        * Creates a maptip on the map.
        * @method showMapTip
        * @private
        * @param  {jObject} target      a node the user hovered over
        * @param  {Object} graphic     the graphic belonging to the target
        * @param  {Boolean} interactive indicates whether the maptip should have a close button
        function showMapTip(target, graphic, interactive) {
            var maptipContent = getMaptipContent(graphic, interactive);

            if (maptipContent == null) {
                offsetX: $(target)[0].getBBox().width / 2,
                content: $(maptipContent),
                interactive: true,
                arrow: true,
                updateAnimation: Modernizr.csstransitions, // known bug in tooltipster when browsers not supporting CSS animation don't display tooltips at all
                autoClose: interactive !== true,
                onlyOne: true,
                interactiveTolerance: tolerance,
                speed: speed,
                theme: (interactive === true) ? '.tooltipster-noir' : '.tooltipster-shadow'

            if (!interactive) {
                    .tooltipster("offsetX", $(target)[0].getBBox().width / 2) // ?
            } else {
                // add a close button
                        .tooltipster("content", $(maptipContent).append('<button class="button-none button-close"><span class="wb-invisible">Close</span></button>'));

                // set a listener to that close button
                        .on("click", function () {
                            topic.publish(EventManager.GUI.SUBPANEL_CLOSE, { origin: "all" });

                // keep pointers to the tooltip parts
                highTooltip.node = $(target.tooltipster("elementTooltip"));
                highTooltip.handle = target.tooltipster();
                highTooltip.graphic = graphic;

        * Initialize event listeners for the maptip events
        * @method initListeners
        * @private
        function initListeners() {
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Maptips.SHOW, function (event) {
                showMapTip($(, event.graphic);

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Maptips.SHOW_INTERACTIVE, function (obj) {
                checkMaptipPosition(, obj.graphic);
                showMapTip(, obj.graphic, true);

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Maptips.REPOSITION_INTERACTIVE, function (obj) {

                if (highTooltip.handle !== null && highTooltip.node !== null) {
                    var localOffset = obj.offset || 0;

                            .tooltipster("offsetX", localOffset)

                    // check if the tooltip is "hidden" under the sub-panel; if so, hide it for real;
                    window.setTimeout(function () {
                        if (getToolTipOffset() > getSubPanelLeftOffset()) {
                        } else {
                    }, speed + 10);

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.SUBPANEL_CHANGE, function (obj) {
                //console.log("subPanelChange", obj);
                if (obj.isComplete) {
                    if (obj.visible) {
                        subPanelOffset = obj.offsetLeft;
                    } else {
                        subPanelOffset = 0;

        return {
            * Calls the event handling initialization function
            * @method init
            * @constructor
            init: function () {