RAMP Module
Ramp module
This module provides the following classes:
- BaseMapSelector
- BookmarkLink
- Bootstrapper
- Datagrid
- DatagridClickHandler
- DataLoader
- DataLoaderGui
- FeatureClickHandler
- FeatureHighlighter
- FilterManager
- GlobalStorage
- GraphicExtension
- ImageExport
- LayerGroup
- LayerItem
- LayerLoader
- LayoutController
- Map
- MapClickHandler
- Navigation
- QuickZoom
- RAMPStarter
- StepItem
- SubPanel
- SubPanelSettings
- Theme
This module is a rollup of the following modules:
BookmarkLink submodule Keeps track of the current state of the map and updates the GetLinkPanel's textbook accordingly. On page load, if any parameters are detected in the URL, this module will attempt to recreate the map according to the parameters. Internally, this module subscribes to all events that change the state of the map (e.g. extent-change, layers toggled on/off). It contains a dictionary that map event names to an object that contains the minimum information needed to reconstruct the map for that particular event. For example, if an extent change occurred, this module will add a key "map/extent-change" (or update if the entry already exists) and put an object that contains the minimum information needed to reconstruct the map to that extent (in this case it would be xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. Spatial reference is not needed since the map always has the same spatial reference).
Datagrid submodule.
A module for loading from web services and local files. Fetches data via File API (IE9 is currently not supported) or via XmlHttpRequest. Handles GeoJSON, Shapefiles and CSV currently. Includes utilities for parsing files into GeoJSON (currently the selected intermediate format) and converting GeoJSON into FeatureLayers for consumption by the ESRI JS API. ####Imports RAMP Modules: {{#crossLink "LayerLoader"}}{{/crossLink}} {{#crossLink "GlobalStorage"}}{{/crossLink}} {{#crossLink "Map"}}{{/crossLink}} {{#crossLink "Util"}}{{/crossLink}}
FilterManager submodule
GlobalStorage class is used to store variables and exchange them between different modules. Each module has the ability to add variables to the global storage and retrieve them as needed.
A RAMP Map module with ESRI and Dojo AMD Modules This module provides function to create an ESRI web map control. A global config object is required to initialize the map.
Navigation submodule
QuickZoom submodule
This submodule contains theme-specific classes with animation sequences such as Full Screen transition or tooltip setter helper method.