Reusable Accessible Mapping Platform

API Docs for: 5.3.2

File: src/js/RAMP/Utils/functionMangler.js

/* global define, console */

* Utility module containing useful static classes.
* @module Utils

* ??? Description
* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "Util"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* @class FunctionMangler
* @static
* @uses dojo/on
* @uses dojo/_base/lang
* @uses dojo/topic

/* Dojo */
        "dojo/topic", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/on",

/* Utils */

    function (
    /* Dojo */
        topic, dojoLang, dojoOn,

    /* Utils */
        UtilMisc) {
        "use strict";

        * [_initDojoPrototype description] Adds following extensions:
        * - `topic.subscrive(name, listener, scope)` - An extension of dojoLang.subscribe that allows the callback function to be
        * hitched with the given scope.
        * - `dojoOn(target, type, listener, scope)` -
        * @method _initDojoPrototype
        * @private
        // FIXME improve docs: parameters are undefined
        function _initDojoPrototype() {
            var originalOn = dojoOn;
            dojoOn = function (target, type, listener, scope) {
                if (UtilMisc.isUndefined(scope)) {
                    return originalOn(target, type, listener);
                } else {
                    return originalOn(target, type, dojoLang.hitch(scope, listener));

            var originalSubscribe = topic.subscribe;
            topic.subscribe = function (eventName, listener) {
                if (!eventName) {
                    console.error("Trying to subscribe to an undefined event");
                } else {
                    return originalSubscribe(eventName, listener);

        return {
            * [load description]
            * @method load
            * @param  {[type]} id      [description]
            * @param  {[type]} require [description]
            * @param  {[type]} load    [description]
            * @return {[type]}         [description]
            load: function (id, require, load) {
