Reusable Accessible Mapping Platform

API Docs for: 5.0.0

File: src\js\RAMP\Modules\map.js

/*global define, esri, i18n, console, $, RAMP, proj4, window */

* A RAMP Map module with ESRI and Dojo AMD Modules
* This module provides function to create an ESRI web map control. A global config object is
* required to initialize the map.
* @module RAMP
* @submodule Map
* @main Map

* Map class represents the ESRI map object. The map is generated based on the application configuration and templates.
* @class Map
* @uses dojo/_base/declare
* @uses dojo/_base/array
* @uses dojo/dom
* @uses dojo/dom-construct
* @uses dojo/number
* @uses dojo/query
* @uses dojo/topic
* @uses dojo/on
* @uses esri/map
* @uses esri/layers/FeatureLayer
* @uses esri/layers/ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer
* @uses esri/layers/ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer
* @uses esri/layers/WMSLayer
* @uses esri/SpatialReference
* @uses esri/dijit/Scalebar
* @uses esri/geometry/Extent
* @uses esri/tasks/GeometryService
* @uses esri/tasks/ProjectParameters
* @uses GlobalStorage
* @uses RAMP
* @uses FeatureClickHandler
* @uses MapClickHandler
* @uses Navigation
* @uses EventManager
* @uses Util
* @uses Array

/* Dojo */
"dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom",
        "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/number", "dojo/query", "dojo/topic", "dojo/on",

/* Esri */
"esri/map", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer", "esri/layers/ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer", "esri/layers/ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer",
"esri/SpatialReference", "esri/dijit/Scalebar", "esri/geometry/Extent", "esri/layers/WMSLayer", "esri/tasks/GeometryService", "esri/tasks/ProjectParameters",

/* Ramp */
"ramp/globalStorage", "ramp/ramp", "ramp/featureClickHandler", "ramp/mapClickHandler", "ramp/navigation", "ramp/eventManager",

/* Util */
"utils/util", "utils/array", "utils/dictionary"],

    function (
    /* Dojo */
    declare, dojoArray, dom, domConstruct, number, query, topic, dojoOn,

    /* Esri */
    EsriMap, FeatureLayer, ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer,
    SpatialReference, EsriScalebar, EsriExtent, WMSLayer, GeometryService, ProjectParameters,

    /* Ramp */
    GlobalStorage, Ramp, FeatureClickHandler, MapClickHandler, Navigation, EventManager,

    /* Util */
    UtilMisc, UtilArray, UtilDict) {
        "use strict";

        * An Array of {{#crossLink "Esri/layers/FeatureLayer"}}{{/crossLink}} objects.
        * @private
        * @property featureLayers {Array}
        var featureLayers,

            * An Array of {{#crossLink "Esri/layer/WMSLayer"}}{{/crossLink}} objects.
            * @private
            * @property wmsLayers {Array}
            wmsLayers = [],

            * Maps the id of a graphic layer to the GraphicsLayer Object that represents its extent bounding box.
            * A dictionary of String, {{#crossLink "Esri/layers/GraphicsLayer"}}{{/crossLink}} pairs.
            * @private
            * @property boundingBoxMapping {Object}
            boundingBoxMapping = {},

            * The map not only contains feature layers, but also other layers such as the
            * basemap layer, highlight layer, bounding box layer, etc. This variable is
            * used to store the starting index of the feature layers in the map.
            * @private
            * @property featureLayerStartIndex {Integer}



        * Shows the loading image.
        * @private
        * @method _showLoadingImg
        function _showLoadingImg() {

        * Hides the loading image.
        * @private
        * @method _hideLoadingImg
        function _hideLoadingImg() {

        * Update Map Scale when zoom level changes
        * @private
        * @method _updateScale
        * @param {Object} event
        function _updateScale(event) {
            if (event.levelChange) {
                var currentScale = number.format(event.lod.scale),
                    scaleLabelText = "1 : " + currentScale;


        * Initialize Map Scale
        * @private
        * @method _initScale
        * @param {Object} event
        function _initScale(event) {
            var map =,
                scaleDiv = domConstruct.create("div", {
                    id: "scaleDiv",
                    class: "esriScalebarLabel"
            $(scaleDiv).html("<span>" + i18n.t('map.scale') + "</span><br><span id='scaleLabel'><span/>");
            currentScale = number.format(map.getScale());
            scaleLabelText = "1 : " + currentScale;

  , query(".esriScalebarRuler")[0], "before");

            // Change the css class of the scale bar so it shows up against
            // the map
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.BasemapSelector.BASEMAP_CHANGED, function (attr) {
                $(".esriScalebar > div").removeClass().addClass(attr.cssStyle);

        * Republishes map events to the outside using topic.publish
        * @method _initRepublishers
        * @param {Object} map object
        * @private
        function _initRepublishers(map) {
            var prefix = "map";

            * Republish map events using topic.publish
            * @method republish
            * @param {String} name
            * @private
            function republish(name) {
                map.on(name, function (event) {
                    topic.publish(prefix + "/" + name, event);


        * Subscribe to external events (published using topic.publish)
        * and react accordingly
        * @method _initListeners
        * @param {Object} map map object
        * @private
        function _initListeners(map) {
            /* SUBSCRIBED EVENTS */
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Map.CENTER_AT, function (event) {

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Map.CENTER_AND_ZOOM, function (event) {
                var point = new esri.geometry.Point(event.graphic.geometry.x, event.graphic.geometry.y, map.spatialReference),
                    d = map.centerAndZoom(point, event.level); // Last parameter is the level

                if (event.callback) {

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Map.SET_EXTENT, function (event) {
                event.extent.spatialReference = map.spatialReference;
                var d = map.setExtent(event.extent);

                if (event.callback) {

            /* NAVIGATION EVENTS */
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Navigation.PAN, function (event) {
                // event.direction panUp, panDown, panLeft, panRight
                // this same as calling map.panUp(), map.panDown(), map.panLeft(), map.panRight()

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Navigation.ZOOM_STEP, function (event) {
                map.setLevel(map.getLevel() + event.level);

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Navigation.ZOOM, function (event) {

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Navigation.FULL_EXTENT, function () {

            /* GUI EVENTS */
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.LAYOUT_CHANGE, function () {

            // Unhighlight the point when the subpanel is collapsed
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.SUBPANEL_CHANGE, function (eventArg) {
                // unhighlight only if the panel closing is the details panel
                if (!eventArg.visible &&
                    eventArg.isComplete &&
                    (eventArg.origin === ("rampPopup" || "datagrid"))) {
                    topic.publish(EventManager.FeatureHighlighter.HIGHLIGHT_HIDE, {});


            topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.LAYER_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED, function (evt) {
                var setTo = evt.state,
                    layerId =,
                    // either take url (would need mapping to layer on map),
                    // map id in config, graphic layer id
                    layer = map.getLayer(layerId);

                //loops through any static layers that are mapped to the feature layer being toggled
                try {
                    dojoArray.forEach(GlobalStorage.LayerMap[layerId], function (staticLayer) {
                        var layer = map.getLayer(staticLayer);
                catch (err) {

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.LAYER_TRANSPARENCY_CHANGED, function (evt) {
                var layer = map.getLayer(evt.layerId);

                if (layer !== undefined) {
                    //loops through any static layers that are mapped to the feature layer being toggled
                    try {
                        dojoArray.forEach(GlobalStorage.LayerMap[evt.layerId], function (staticLayer) {
                            var layer = map.getLayer(staticLayer);
                    catch (err) {

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.BOX_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED, function (evt) {
                setBoundingBoxVisibility(, evt.state);
            /* END BOUNDING BOX TOGGLE */

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.SELECTION_CHANGED, function (evt) {
                // this is handling the user trying to re-order the layers
                // graphical and feature layers must be handled separately from
                // all other layers as ESRI separates the two internally

                var newIndex = evt.index,

                if (map.layerIds.contains( {
                    featureLayers =, function (x) {
                        return map.getLayer(x).type === 'Feature Layer' ? 1 : 0;
                    newIndex += 1 - featureLayers; // offset by 1 basemap not accounted for
                    console.log('newIndex ' + newIndex);
                } else {
                    if (!featureLayerStartIndex) {
                        // Find the index of the first feature layer
                        featureLayerStartIndex = UtilArray.indexOf(map.graphicsLayerIds, function (layerId) {
                            var layer = map.getLayer(layerId);
                            return layer.type && layer.type === "Feature Layer";
                    newIndex += featureLayerStartIndex;
                map.reorderLayer(map.getLayer(, newIndex);

            //TODO this will likely get removed or amended by aly
            /* Add Layer subscription*/
            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Map.ADD_LAYER, function () {
                var type = dom.byId("addLayer-select-type").value,
                    URL = dom.byId("addLayer-URL-input").value,
                    opacity = dom.byId("addLayer-Opacity").value;

                console.log(type + " | " + URL + " | " + opacity);
                addStaticLayer(type, URL, opacity);

            topic.subscribe(EventManager.Map.ADD_LAYER_READY, function (temp_layer) {
        * Creates event handlers for the map control: click, mouse-over, load, extent change, and update events.
        * @private
        * @method _initEventHandlers
        * @param {Object} map A ESRI map object
        function _initEventHandlers(map) {
            map.on("load", _initScale);
            map.on("extent-change", function (event) {

                console.log("map - >> extent-change", event);
                dojoOn.once(map, "update-end", function () {
                    console.log("map - >> update-end - >> Apply extent Filter");

            // Deselect all highlighted points if the map is clicked
            map.on("click", function (evt) {
                topic.publish(EventManager.Map.CLICK, evt);

            // Show/Hide spinner for map loading
            map.on("update-start", _showLoadingImg);
            map.on("update-end", _hideLoadingImg);

            // code that would wait until all layers were loaded.  not used anymore, but could be useful to keep around to steal later
            var handle = map.on("update-end", function () {
                var isAllLoaded = dojoArray.every(
                        function (layerId) {
                            var layer = map.getLayer(layerId);
                            console.log(layer.loaded, layerId, layer);
                            return layer.loaded;

                console.log("map -> is all layers loaded: ", isAllLoaded);

                if (isAllLoaded) {
                    console.log("map ->", EventManager.Map.ALL_LAYERS_LOADED);

        * Will project an extent to a desired spatial reference, using client side projection library.
        * Avoids the need for Esri Geometry Service
        * @method localProjectExtent
        * @private
        * @param  {Esri/Extent} extent extent to be projected
        * @param {Esri/SpatialReference} sr {{#crossLink "Esri/SpatialReference"}}{{/crossLink}} to project to
        * @return {Esri/Extent} extent in the desired projection
        function localProjectExtent(extent, sr) {
            //TODO can we handle WKT?

            // interpolates two points by splitting the line in half recursively
            function interpolate(p0, p1, steps) {
                var mid, i0, i1;

                if (steps === 0) { return [p0, p1]; }

                mid = [(p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2];
                if (steps === 1) {
                    return [p0, mid, p1];
                if (steps > 1) {
                    i0 = interpolate(p0, mid, steps - 1);
                    i1 = interpolate(mid, p1, steps - 1);
                    return i0.concat(i1.slice(1));

            var points = [[extent.xmin, extent.ymin], [extent.xmax, extent.ymin], [extent.xmax, extent.ymax], [extent.xmin, extent.ymax], [extent.xmin, extent.ymin]],
                projConvert, transformed, projExtent, x0, y0, x1, y1, xvals, yvals, interpolatedPoly = [];

            // interpolate each edge by splitting it in half 3 times (since lines are not guaranteed to project to lines we need to consider
            // max / min points in the middle of line segments)
            [0, 1, 2, 3].map(function (i) { return interpolate(points[i], points[i + 1], 3).slice(1); }).forEach(function (seg) { interpolatedPoly = interpolatedPoly.concat(seg); });

            //reproject the extent
            projConvert = proj4('EPSG:' + extent.spatialReference.wkid, 'EPSG:' + sr.wkid);
            transformed = (x) { return projConvert.forward(x); });

            xvals = (x) { return x[0]; });
            yvals = (x) { return x[1]; });

            x0 = Math.min.apply(null, xvals);
            x1 = Math.max.apply(null, xvals);

            y0 = Math.min.apply(null, yvals);
            y1 = Math.max.apply(null, yvals);

            projExtent = new EsriExtent(x0, y0, x1, y1, sr);
            console.log('localProjectExtent complete: ' + JSON.stringify(projExtent));

            return projExtent;

        * project an extent to a new spatial reference, if required
        * when projection is finished, call another function and pass the result to it.
        * @method projectExtent
        * @private
        * @param {Object} extent an extent object from the configuration
        * @param {Esri/SpatialReference} sr {{#crossLink "Esri/SpatialReference"}}{{/crossLink}} to project to
        * @param {Function} callWhenDone function to call when extent is projected.  expects geometry parameter
        function projectExtent(extent, sr, callWhenDone) {
            var realExtent;

            //convert configuration extent to proper esri extent object
            realExtent = new EsriExtent(extent);

            if (UtilMisc.isSpatialRefEqual(realExtent.spatialReference, sr)) {
                //the extent is already in the correct projection.
                //go to the next step
            } else {
                //need to re-project the extent

                var projectedExtent = localProjectExtent(realExtent, sr);

                //Geometry Service Version.  Makes a more accurate bounding box, but requires an arcserver
                var geomSrv, geomParams;
                geomSrv = new GeometryService(RAMP.config.geometryServiceUrl);
                geomParams = new ProjectParameters();
                geomParams.geometries = [realExtent];
                geomParams.outSR = sr;

                geomSrv.project(geomParams, function (projectedExtents) {
                    //after service returns, continue to next step

        * process the projected default extent, begin projection of full extent.
        * used as an asynchronous gate for the projection.
        * @method projectFullExtent
        * @private
        * @param {Array} projectedDefaultExtent an array containing the default extent object in the map's projection
        function projectFullExtent(projectedDefaultExtent) {
            //store projected result
            RAMP.config.extents.defaultExtent = projectedDefaultExtent[0];

            //project the full extent.  when finished, process max extent
            projectExtent(RAMP.config.extents.fullExtent, projectedDefaultExtent[0].spatialReference, projectMaxExtent);

        * process the projected full extent, begin projection of maximum extent.
        * used as an asynchronous gate for the projection.
        * @method projectMaxExtent
        * @private
        * @param {Array} projectedFullExtent an array containing the full extent object in the map's projection
        function projectMaxExtent(projectedFullExtent) {
            //store projected result
            RAMP.config.extents.fullExtent = projectedFullExtent[0];

            //project the max extent.  when finished, tell map to continue loading
            projectExtent(RAMP.config.extents.maximumExtent, projectedFullExtent[0].spatialReference, finishExtentProjection);

        * process the projected maximum extent, then alert app to continue loading the map.
        * used as an asynchronous gate for the projection.
        * @method finishExtentProjection
        * @private
        * @param {Array} projectedMaxExtent an array containing the maximum extent object in the map's projection
        function finishExtentProjection(projectedMaxExtent) {
            //store projected result
            RAMP.config.extents.maximumExtent = projectedMaxExtent[0];

            //throw event

        * Add a static, non-interactive Layer to the map
        * @private
        * @method AddStaticLayer
        * @param {String} layer_type A value which controls how the layer is going to be added to the map
        * @param {String} layer_url A URL pointing to a valid map service endpoint
        * @param {Number} layer_op A value between 0.0 and 1.0 which determines the transparency of the layer
        function addStaticLayer(layer_type, layer_url, layer_op) {
            layer_op = layer_op / 100; // change percentage to decimal
            var tempLayer;
            switch (layer_type) {
                case "feature":
                    tempLayer = new FeatureLayer(layer_url, {
                        opacity: layer_op,
                        mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT

                case "tile":
                    tempLayer = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(layer_url, {
                        opacity: layer_op

                case "dynamic":
                    tempLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(layer_url, {
                        opacity: layer_op



            topic.publish(EventManager.Map.ADD_LAYER_READY, tempLayer);
            topic.publish(EventManager.GUI.ADD_LAYER_PANEL_CHANGE, {
                visible: false

        * Sets the visibility of the bounding box that belongs to the layer with the given layerId.
        * Note: the layerId needs to be the ID of the featurelayer, not the ID of the actual bounding
        * box layer.
        * @private
        * @method setBoundingBoxVisibility
        * @param {String} layerId the id of the layer whose bounding box visibility should be set
        function setBoundingBoxVisibility(layerId, visibility) {
            var boxLayer = boundingBoxMapping[layerId];

            //if ( && visibility) {
            //    // get bounding box info from config object
            //    var boundingBoxExtent;
            //    var layerConfig = dojoArray.find(config.featureLayers, function (layerConfig) {
            //        return === layerId;
            //    });

            //    boundingBoxExtent.xmin = layerConfig.boundingBox.extent.xmin;
            //    boundingBoxExtent.ymin = layerConfig.boundingBox.extent.ymin;
            //    boundingBoxExtent.xmax = layerConfig.boundingBox.extent.xmax;
            //    boundingBoxExtent.ymax = layerConfig.boundingBox.extent.ymax;

            //    var extentGraphic = new esri.Graphic({
            //        geometry: boundingBoxExtent,
            //        symbol: {
            //            color: [255, 0, 0, 64],
            //            outline: {
            //                color: [240, 128, 128, 255],
            //                width: 1,
            //                type: "esriSLS",
            //                style: "esriSLSSolid"
            //            },
            //            type: "esriSFS",
            //            style: "esriSFSSolid"
            //        }
            //    });
            //    boxLayer.add(extentGraphic);


        function resolveLayerOpacity(layerOpacity) {
            return layerOpacity.default || 1;

        * Sets up loading event handlers and initializes the .ramp object of a layer
        * Circular reference errors prevent us from calling LayerLoader directly from this module
        * @private
        * @method prepLayer
        * @param  {Object} layer layer to be prepped
        * @param  {Object} config config object for the layer
        * @param  {Boolean} userLayer optional.  indicates if layer was added by a user.  default value is false
        function prepLayer(layer, config, userLayer) {
            layer.ramp = {
                config: config,
                user: UtilMisc.isUndefined(userLayer) ? false : userLayer,
                load: {
                    state: "loading",
                    inLS: false,  //layer has entry in layer selector
                    inCount: false  //layer is included in the layer counts

            layer.on('load', function (evt) {
                //console.log("PREP LOAD OK " + evt.layer.url);
                topic.publish(EventManager.LayerLoader.LAYER_LOADED, { layer: evt.layer });

            layer.on('error', function (evt) {
                //console.log("PREP LOAD FAIL " +;
       = false;
                topic.publish(EventManager.LayerLoader.LAYER_ERROR, {
                    error: evt.error

            //since the update-start event doesn't let you know who threw it (supposed to but doesn't), we need to tack the handler
            //function onto the actual layer object so we can use the "this" keyword to grab the sending layer
            layer.ramp.load.onUpdateStart = function () {
                topic.publish(EventManager.LayerLoader.LAYER_UPDATING, { layer: this });

            layer.on('update-start', layer.ramp.load.onUpdateStart);

            //add update end handler for layer
            layer.on('update-end', function (evt) {
                topic.publish(EventManager.LayerLoader.LAYER_UPDATED, { layer: });

        return {
            * For a specified layer, zooms to the closest level that has some visible data.
            * @param {String} layerId a layer id to zoom to.
            * @method zoomToLayerScale
            zoomToLayerScale: function (layerId) {
                var layer = map.getLayer(layerId),
                    lods = map._params.lods,
                    currentLevel = map.getLevel(),

                for (i = 0; i < lods.length; i += 1) {
                    lod = lods[i];
                    //console.log("lod", lod, lod.scale > layer.minScale);
                    if (!topLod && lod.scale <= layer.minScale) {
                        topLod = lod;

                    if (!bottomLod && lod.scale <= layer.maxScale) {
                        bottomLod = lods[Math.max(0, i - 1)];

                //console.log(topLod, bottomLod, map.getLevel(), map.getZoom(), Math.abs(topLod.level - currentLevel) <= Math.abs(bottomLod.level - currentLevel));

                if (Math.abs(topLod.level - currentLevel) <= Math.abs(bottomLod.level - currentLevel)) {
                } else {

            * The maximum extent of the map control is allowed to go to
            * @property getMaxExtent
            * @type {Object}
            getMaxExtent: function () {
                return maxExtent;
            * Return the map control object
            * @property getMap
            * @type {Object}
            getMap: function () {
                if (UtilMisc.isUndefined(map)) {
                    console.log("trying to get map before it is available!");
                return map;

            * Returns a list of feature layers that are currently visible on the map.
            * @method getVisibleFeatureLayers
            * @return {Array} an array of {{#crossLink "Esri/layers/FeatureLayer"}}{{/crossLink}} objects
            getVisibleFeatureLayers: function () {
                // Return only the feature layers
                //TODO do we need to consider static layers here?
                return dojoArray.filter(map.getLayersVisibleAtScale(), function (layer) {
                    return layer.type && (layer.type === "Feature Layer") && layer.visible;

            getVisibleLayers: function () {
                return map.getLayersVisibleAtScale();

            getInvisibleLayers: function () {
                var visibleLayers,

                visibleLayers = this.getVisibleLayers();
                allLayers = map._layers;
                invisibleLayers = [];

                UtilDict.forEachEntry(allLayers, function (key, value) {
                    var index = UtilArray.indexOf(visibleLayers, function (vl) {
                        return key ===;

                    if (index === -1) {

                return invisibleLayers;

            * Returns the mapping of feature layer ids to assocciated bounding box layers.
            * @method getBoundingBoxMapping
            * @return {Object} A dictionary of String, {{#crossLink "Esri/layers/GraphicsLayer"}}{{/crossLink}} pairs.
            getBoundingBoxMapping: function () {
                return boundingBoxMapping;

            * Return the feature layer corresponding to the given id.
            * @method getFeatureLayer
            * @private
            * @param {String} featureId the id of the feature layer
            * @return {Esri/layers/FeatureLayer} feature layer
            getFeatureLayer: function (featureId) {
                return map.getLayer(featureId);

            * Apply extent defaulting prior to URL overrides.
            * @method applyExtentDefaulting
            * @private
            applyExtentDefaulting: function () {
                //if full extent is missing, set to default extent.
                if (!(RAMP.config.extents.fullExtent)) {
                    //need to deserialize/reserialize to avoid pointing to actual defaultExtent, which may be changed later by the Bookmark Link module
                    RAMP.config.extents.fullExtent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(RAMP.config.extents.defaultExtent));

                //if maximum extent is missing, set to full extent.
                if (!(RAMP.config.extents.maximumExtent)) {
                    RAMP.config.extents.maximumExtent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(RAMP.config.extents.fullExtent));

            * initiate the projection of the config extents to basemap extents
            * @method projectConfigExtents
            projectConfigExtents: function () {
                //extract default basemap projection
                var mapSR = new SpatialReference(RAMP.config.basemaps[RAMP.config.initialBasemapIndex].spatialReference);

                //project the default extent.  when finished, process full extent
                projectExtent(RAMP.config.extents.defaultExtent, mapSR, projectFullExtent);

            * Given an ESRI Extent Object, returns a new ESRI Extent Object that
            * contains the extent adjusted according to this map's maximum extent
            * NOTE: this method is currently unused!
            * @param {esri/geometry/Extent} e the extent Object
            * @param {esri/geometry/Extent} maxExtent the maximum extent
            * @return {esri/geometry/Extent} An adjusted extent, if the target extent is outside the boundary
            * @method checkBoundary
            checkBoundary: function (e, maxExtent) {
                var extent = e,
                width = extent.width(),
                height = extent.height(),
                centerX = extent.centerX(),
                centerY = extent.centerY(),
                flag, adjustedEx;

                adjustedEx = extent.clone();

                var maxHeight = maxExtent.height();
                if (height > maxHeight) {
                    height = maxHeight;

                if (centerY > maxExtent.ymax) {
                    adjustedEx.ymax = maxExtent.ymax;
                    adjustedEx.ymin = maxExtent.ymax - height;
                    flag = true;
                    //} else if (extent.ymin < maxExtent.ymin) {
                } else if (centerY < maxExtent.ymin) {
                    adjustedEx.ymin = maxExtent.ymin;
                    adjustedEx.ymax = maxExtent.ymin + height;
                    flag = true;

                var maxWidth = maxExtent.width();
                if (width > maxWidth) {
                    width = maxWidth;

                if (centerX > maxExtent.xmax) {
                    adjustedEx.xmax = maxExtent.xmax;
                    adjustedEx.xmin = maxExtent.xmax - width;
                    flag = true;
                } else if (centerX < maxExtent.xmin) {
                    adjustedEx.xmin = maxExtent.xmin;
                    adjustedEx.xmax = maxExtent.xmin + width;
                    flag = true;

                if (flag) {
                    return adjustedEx;

           * Create a new FeatureLayer object based on the config input
           * @method makeFeatureLayer
           * @param {Object} layerConfig config object for the layer to create
           * @param {Boolean} userLayer optional specifies if layer was added by a user
           * @return {Esri/layers/FeatureLayer} feature layer object (unloaded)
            makeFeatureLayer: function (layerConfig, userLayer) {
                var fl = new FeatureLayer(layerConfig.url, {
                    mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
                    outFields: [layerConfig.layerAttributes],
                    visible: layerConfig.settings.visible,
                    opacity: resolveLayerOpacity(layerConfig.settings.opacity)

                prepLayer(fl, layerConfig, userLayer);

                fl.ramp.type = GlobalStorage.layerType.feature;

                return fl;

           * Return the feature layer corresponding to the given url.
           * @method makeWmsLayer
           * @param {Object} layerConfig config object for the layer to create
           * @param {Boolean} userLayer optional specifies if layer was added by a user
           * @return {Esri/layers/WMSLayer} WMS layer

            makeWmsLayer: function (layerConfig, userLayer) {
                var wmsl = new WMSLayer(layerConfig.url, {
                    format: layerConfig.format,
                    opacity: resolveLayerOpacity(layerConfig.settings.opacity),
                    visibleLayers: [layerConfig.layerName]
                    //resourceInfo: {
                    //    extent: new EsriExtent(layer.extent),
                    //    layerInfos: [new WMSLayerInfo({name:layer.layerName,title:layer.displayName})]

                prepLayer(wmsl, layerConfig, userLayer);

                wmsl.ramp.type = GlobalStorage.layerType.wms;


                return wmsl;

            * Return the static layer corresponding to the given url.
            * @method makeStaticLayer
            * @private
            * @param {Object} layerConfig config object for the layer to create
            * @param {Boolean} userLayer optional specifies if layer was added by a user
            * @return {Object} layer object of the appropriate type

            makeStaticLayer: function (layerConfig, userLayer) {
                var tempLayer,
                    layerType = layerConfig.layerType || "feature";
                //determine layer type and process
                switch (layerType) {
                    case "feature":
                        tempLayer = new FeatureLayer(layerConfig.url, {
                            opacity: resolveLayerOpacity(layerConfig.settings.opacity),
                            mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
                            visible: layerConfig.settings.visible,

                        prepLayer(tempLayer, layerConfig, userLayer);

                        tempLayer.ramp.type = GlobalStorage.layerType.Static;


                        //We are currently not supporting other static layer types at the moment.
                        //Future versions should re-implement these cases
                    case "tile":
                        tempLayer = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(staticLayer.url, {
                            opacity: resolveLayerOpacity(staticLayer.settings.opacity),
                        console.log("tile layer added. " +;

                    case "dynamic":
                        tempLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(staticLayer.url, {
                            opacity: resolveLayerOpacity(staticLayer.settings.opacity),
                        console.log("dynamic layer added. " +;

                        console.log("unknown static layer type encountered: " + layerType);
                return tempLayer;

            * Adds custom ramp properties to layer.  Adds handlers to loading events.
            * @method enhanceLayer
            * @param  {Object} layer layer to be prepped
            * @param  {Object} config config object for the layer
            * @param  {Boolean} userLayer optional.  indicates if layer was added by a user.  default value is false
            enhanceLayer: function (layer, config, userLayer) {
                //call the private function
                prepLayer(layer, config, userLayer);

            * Will project an extent to a desired spatial reference, using client side projection library.
            * Avoids the need for Esri Geometry Service
            * @method localProjectExtent
            * @param  {Esri/Extent} extent extent to be projected
            * @param {Esri/SpatialReference} sr {{#crossLink "Esri/SpatialReference"}}{{/crossLink}} to project to
            * @return {Esri/Extent} extent in the desired projection
            localProjectExtent: localProjectExtent,

            * Initialize map control with configuration objects provided in the bootstrapper.js file.
            * Initialize extent
            * Generate and load initial base map
            * Generate map layer objects
            * Show scalebar
            * Publish events to outside for other modules to use
            * Subscribe events to update map control
            * @method init
            * @param {Object} mapDiv the HTML div that will store the map control
            * @constructor
            init: function () {
                var that = this,

                schemaBasemap = RAMP.config.basemaps[RAMP.config.initialBasemapIndex],

                * The URL of the first layer of the basemap that is on by default.
                * @property url
                * @private
                * @type {String}
                url = schemaBasemap.layers[0].url,

                * The basemap layer
                * @property baseLayer
                * @private
                * @type {Esri/layers/ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer}
                baseLayer = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(url, {
                    id: "basemapLayer"

                loadListener = baseLayer.on('update-end', function () {
                    //only load things once, pls!

                    //basemap has loaded.  continue on with the map loading

                baseLayer.on('error', function (evt) {
                    //basemap has died.  long live the basemap.
                    //TODO some proper error handling here.  error page?  message to user of catastrophic failure?
                    console.log('initial basemap failed to load: ' + evt.error.message);
                    window.location.href = RAMP.config.mapInitFailUrl;

                * The initial extent of the map
                * @property InitExtent
                * @private
                * @type {esri/geometry/Extent}
                initExtent = new EsriExtent(RAMP.config.extents.defaultExtent);

                * Used for full extent in nav widget
                * @property fullExtent
                * @private
                * @type {esri/geometry/Extent}
                fullExtent = new EsriExtent(RAMP.config.extents.fullExtent);

                * The maximum extent of the map
                * @property maxExtent
                * @private
                * @type {esri/geometry/Extent}
                maxExtent = new EsriExtent(RAMP.config.extents.maximumExtent);

                //generate WMS layers array
                wmsLayers =, function (layer) {
                    return that.makeWmsLayer(layer);

                //generate feature layers array
                featureLayers =, function (layerConfig) {
                    var fl;

                    if (layerConfig.isStatic) {
                        fl = that.makeStaticLayer(layerConfig);
                    } else {
                        fl = that.makeFeatureLayer(layerConfig);

                    return fl;

                //the map!
                map = new EsriMap(, {
                    extent: initExtent,
                    logo: false,
                    minZoom: RAMP.config.zoomLevels.min,
                    maxZoom: RAMP.config.zoomLevels.max,
                    slider: false

       = map;

                /*  START - Add static layers   */
                //NOTE: this type of thing is not currenlty supported by the config schema.  Need to revisit and determine if we want to keep this code or not.
                // this only deals with static layers that are bound to a feature layer.  stand alone static layers are handled like normal feature layers

                //if this does get implemented, this code should be moved to the layerLoader.js onLayerLoaded function.  After a feature layer successfully loads,
                //we should then load any of it's static layers.  Extra tricky because these static layers do not appear in the layer selector (their state is bound
                //to the feature layer.
                //may want to consider another layerType .BoundStatic

                var staticLayers = [],
                    perLayerStaticMaps = [],
                    staticLayerMap = [];

                dojoArray.forEach(RAMP.config.layers.feature, function (layer) {
                    perLayerStaticMaps = [];
                    dojoArray.forEach(layer.staticLayers, function (staticLayer, i) {
                        var tempLayer = that.makeStaticLayer(staticLayer);

                        //creates an array of all static layers defined for the current, single feature layer
                        perLayerStaticMaps[i] =;
                    //adds the static layer id array as a value to an array indexed by feature layer id
                    staticLayerMap[] = perLayerStaticMaps;

                RAMP.staticLayerMap = staticLayerMap;

                /*  End - Add static layers   */

                //This was intended to be used to distinguish layers from each other when crawling; Looks like we are not using it. Commenting out for now. SZ
                baseLayer.ramp = {
                    type: GlobalStorage.layerType.Basemap

                //save layer objects to load after basemap.
                //static layers is currently empty always
                RAMP.startupLayers = wmsLayers.concat(staticLayers, featureLayers);

                //add the basemap

                /* Start - Show scalebar */
                var scalebar = new EsriScalebar({
                    map: map,
                    attachTo: "bottom-left",
                    scalebarUnit: "metric"


                /* End - Show scalebar */
