/* global define */
* @module Utils
* Wraps the specified checkbox input nodes to provide an alternative rendering of checkbox without compromising
* its functionality. Handles synchronization of the checkbox's state with its new rendering.
* Also adds highlight/unhighlight on focus/unfocus, update label when checked/unchecked
* @class Checkbox
* @constructor
* @uses dojo/Evented
* @uses dojo/_base/declare
* @uses dojo/lang
* @param {jObject} node a jQuery object representing the input checkbox node to be wrapped
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options
* @param {String} [options.nodeIdAttr] Name of the "data-*" attribute set on the checkbox node to be treated as the checkbox id. If no appropriate "data-*" attribute found,
* `nodeIdAttr` is used directly, failing that, regular `id` is used.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass] `active`, `focus`, and `check` CSS class to be applied to the Checkbox correspondingly.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass.active] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `active`.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass.focus] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `focused`.
* @param {Object} [options.cssClass.check] CSS class to be set when the Checkbox is `checked`.
* @param {Object} [options.label] `check` and `uncheck` label texts to be applied to the Checkbox labels.
* @param {Object} [options.label.check] A text to be set as a label when the Checkbox is `checked`
* @param {Object} [options.label.uncheck] A text to be set as a label when the Checkbox is `unchecked`
* @param {Function} [options.onChnage] A function to be called when the state of the Checkbox changes.
* @return {Checkbox} A control objects allowing to toggle checkbox.
define(["dojo/Evented", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "utils/util"],
function (Evented, declare, lang, Util) {
"use strict";
var Checkbox;
Checkbox = declare([Evented], {
constructor: function (node, options) {
// declare individual properties inside the constructor: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_base/declare.html#id6
* Node of the input checkbox originally supplied to the Checkbox.
* @property node
* @type JObject
* @default null
node: null,
* Node of the input checkbox label.
* @property labelNode
* @type JObject
* @default null
* @private
labelNode: null,
* Name of the "data-*" attribute set on the checkbox node to be treated as the checkbox id.
* @property nodeIdAttr
* @type String
* @default "id"
nodeIdAttr: "id",
* `active`, `focus`, and `check` CSS class to be applied to the Checkbox correspondingly.
* @property cssClass
* @type {Object}
* @default
* @example
* cssClass: {
* active: "active",
* focus: "focused",
* check: "checked"
* }
cssClass: {
active: "active",
focus: "focused",
check: "checked"
* `check` and `uncheck` label texts to be applied to the Checkbox labels.
* @property label
* @type {Object}
* @default
* @example
* label: {
* check: "check",
* uncheck: "unchecked"
* }
label: {
check: "checked",
uncheck: "unchecked"
* A function to be called when the state of the Checkbox changes.
* @property onChnage
* @type Function
* @default
* @example function () { }
onChange: function () { },
* State of the Checkbox: true | false or INVALID
* @property state
* @type Boolean | String
* @default null
state: null,
* Id of the Checkbox as specified by `nodeIdAttr`.
* @property id
* @type String
* @default null
id: null
node: node
this.id = this.node.data(this.nodeIdAttr) || this.node.attr(this.nodeIdAttr) || this.node.id;
this.labelNode = this.node.findInputLabel();
_initListeners: function () {
var that = this;
.on("change", function () {
.on("focus", function () {
.on("focusout", function () {
* Adds the "checked", "focused" or "active" CSS class to the label so it displays visually matches the changed state.
* Updates the title attribute and text inside an invisible span housed inside the label.
* @method _toggleLabel
* @private
_toggleLabel: function () {
var newText;
this.state = this.node.is(':checked');
if (this.state) {
newText = String.format(this.label.check,
.prop('title', newText)
.find("> span").text(newText);
} else {
newText = String.format(this.label.uncheck,
.prop('title', newText)
.find("> span").text(newText);
* Emits a `TOGGLE` event when the checkbox's state is changed.
* @method _emit
* @private
* @param {String} agency Specified the agency that toggled the Checkbox.
_emit: function (agency) {
//console.log("Checkbox ->", this.id, "set by", agency, "to", this.state);
this.emit(Checkbox.event.TOGGLE, {
agency: agency,
checkbox: this
* Toggle the state of Checkbox.
* @method setState
* @param {Boolean} state Specifies the state of the checkbox: true, false
* @return {Checkbox} Control object for chaining
* @chainable
setState: function (state) {
if (this.state !== Checkbox.state.INVALID) {
// change state only if it's different from the current one
if (this.state !== state) {
this.node.prop('checked', state);
return this;
validate: function () {
if (!this.node || !Util.containsInDom(this.node[0])) {
this.state = Checkbox.state.INVALID;
} else if (this.state === Checkbox.state.INVALID) {
return this;
reset: function () {
this.node.off("change", "focus", "focusout");
state: {
INVALID: "checkbox-invalid"
* An object specifying possible agencies that can affect the Checkbox.
* @property agency
* @type Object
* @private
* @default
* @example
* agency: {
* }
agency: {
* Event names published by the Checkbox
* @private
* @property event
* @type Object
* @default null
* @example
* {
* TOGGLE: "checkbox/toggle"
* }
event: {
* Published whenever a Checkbox get toggled.
* @event TOGGLE
* @param event {Object}
* @param event.checkbox {Checkbox} Checkbox object that has been toggled
* @param event.agency {String} Agency that toggled the Checkbox
TOGGLE: "checkbox/toggle"
return Checkbox;