- /*global define, $, TimelineLite, require, tmpl, console, RAMP */
- /**
- * Tools module. Contains tools accessible through Advanced Toolbar.
- *
- * Contains the advanced tools as a popup.
- *
- * @module Tools
- * @main Tools
- */
- /**
- * AdvancedToolbar class.
- *
- * ####Imports RAMP Modules:
- * {{#crossLink "EventManager"}}{{/crossLink}}
- * {{#crossLink "Map"}}{{/crossLink}}
- * {{#crossLink "GlobalStorage"}}{{/crossLink}}
- * {{#crossLink "Util"}}{{/crossLink}}
- * {{#crossLink "Dictionary"}}{{/crossLink}}
- * {{#crossLink "TmplHelper"}}{{/crossLink}}
- * {{#crossLink "PopupManager"}}{{/crossLink}}
- *
- * ####Uses RAMP Templates:
- * {{#crossLink "templates/advanced_toolbar_template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
- *
- * @class AdvancedToolbar
- * @static
- * @uses dojo/_base/lang
- * @uses dojo/topic
- * @uses dojo/Deferred
- */
- define([
- // Dojo
- 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/topic', 'dojo/Deferred',
- // Ramp
- 'ramp/eventManager', 'ramp/map', 'ramp/globalStorage',
- // Util
- 'utils/util', 'utils/dictionary', 'utils/popupManager',
- 'utils/tmplHelper',
- // Text
- 'dojo/text!./templates/advanced_toolbar_template.json'
- ],
- function (
- // Dojo
- dojoLang, topic, Deferred,
- // Ramp
- EventManager, RampMap, globalStorage,
- // Util
- UtilMisc, UtilDict, PopupManager, TmplHelper,
- // Text
- advanced_toolbar_template_json
- ) {
- 'use strict';
- var map,
- tools = [
- // name,
- // selector,
- // enabled,
- // module
- ],
- ui = (function () {
- var advancedToggle,
- advancedSectionContainer,
- advancedToolbarList,
- cssButtonPressedClass = 'button-pressed',
- transitionDuration = 0.4,
- subPanelMarginDelta = 32,
- viewport = $('.viewport'),
- panelToggle = viewport.find('#panel-toggle'),
- advancedToolbarTimeline = new TimelineLite({ paused: true }),
- subpanelTimeLine = new TimelineLite();
- /**
- * Runs the open/close animation of the toolbar additionally managing the animation of adjusting the height of the details panel to accommodate the expanded toolbar.
- *
- * @method toggleToolbar
- * @param {Deferred} d a deferred to be resolved upon completion of the animation
- * @param {Boolean} doOpen if true - the toolbar show open; if false - the toolbar should close
- * @private
- */
- function toggleToolbar(d, doOpen) {
- var subPanelContainer = viewport.find('.sub-panel-container');
- // clear and recreate tween to capture newly created subpanels
- subpanelTimeLine
- .clear()
- .fromTo(subPanelContainer, transitionDuration,
- { 'margin-top': 0, paused: true },
- { 'margin-top': subPanelMarginDelta, ease: 'easeOutCirc' }, 0)
- .seek(advancedToolbarTimeline.time());
- if (!doOpen) {
- advancedToolbarTimeline.eventCallback('onReverseComplete', function () {
- d.resolve();
- viewport.removeClass('advanced-toolbar-mode');
- });
- advancedToolbarTimeline.reverse();
- } else {
- viewport.addClass('advanced-toolbar-mode');
- advancedToolbarTimeline.eventCallback('onComplete', function () {
- d.resolve();
- });
- advancedToolbarTimeline.play();
- }
- }
- return {
- /**
- * Initiates additional UI components of the widget, setting listeners and other stuff.
- *
- * @method ui.init
- * @private
- */
- init: function () {
- advancedToggle = viewport.find('#advanced-toggle');
- advancedSectionContainer = viewport.find('#advanced-toolbar');
- // create html code for advancedToolbar
- tmpl.cache = {};
- tmpl.templates = JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(advanced_toolbar_template_json));
- advancedSectionContainer.append(tmpl('at_main'));
- advancedToolbarList = advancedSectionContainer.find('#advanced-toolbar-list');
- // create a timeline to animate toggling of the advanced toolbar
- advancedToolbarTimeline
- .set(advancedSectionContainer, { display: 'block' })
- .fromTo(advancedToolbarList, transitionDuration, { top: -subPanelMarginDelta }, { top: 0, ease: 'easeOutCirc' }, 0)
- .to(panelToggle, transitionDuration, { top: '+=' + subPanelMarginDelta, ease: 'easeOutCirc' }, 0)
- .add(subpanelTimeLine, 0);
- // register the popup for the advanced toolbar
- PopupManager.registerPopup(advancedToggle, 'click',
- function (d) {
- topic.publish(EventManager.GUI.TOOLBAR_SECTION_OPEN, { id: 'advanced-toolbar' });
- // close this panel if any other panel is opened
- var that = this;
- UtilMisc.subscribeOnce(EventManager.GUI.TOOLBAR_SECTION_OPEN,
- function (evt) {
- if (evt.id !== 'advanced-toolbar' && that.isOpen()) {
- that.close();
- }
- });
- toggleToolbar(d, true);
- },
- {
- activeClass: cssButtonPressedClass,
- setClassBefore: true,
- target: advancedSectionContainer,
- closeHandler: function (d) {
- topic.publish(EventManager.GUI.TOOLBAR_SECTION_CLOSE, { id: 'advanced-toolbar' });
- deactivateAll(); // deactivate all the tools
- toggleToolbar(d, false);
- }
- }
- );
- map = RampMap.getMap();
- },
- addTool: function (tool) {
- advancedToolbarList.append(tool.module.node);
- }
- };
- }());
- /**
- * Deactivates all the tools. Used when closing the Advanced toolbar or when another tool is being activated.
- *
- * @method deactivateAll
- * @param {Tool} except A tool module that should not be deactivated.
- * @private
- */
- function deactivateAll(except) {
- // deactivate all the tools except "except" tool
- tools.forEach(function (tool) {
- if ((!except || except.name !== tool.name) && tool.module) {
- tool.module.deactivate();
- }
- });
- }
- return {
- init: function () {
- var toolsRequire;
- ui.init();
- tools = RAMP.config.advancedToolbar.tools;
- toolsRequire = tools
- .filter(function (tool) { return tool.enabled; })
- .map(function (tool) {
- return 'tools/' + tool.name;
- });
- // load all the tools in one go
- console.log('toolbar : loading tools', toolsRequire);
- require(toolsRequire, function () {
- var deferredList = [],
- deferred,
- args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
- args.forEach(function () {
- deferredList.push(new Deferred());
- });
- UtilMisc.afterAll(deferredList, function () {
- // insert tool buttons into the toolbar
- tools.forEach(ui.addTool);
- });
- args.forEach(function (arg, index) {
- deferred = new Deferred();
- deferred.then(function (module) {
- tools[index].module = module;
- deferredList[index].resolve();
- });
- arg
- .init(tools[index].selector, deferred)
- .on(arg.event.ACTIVATE, function () {
- console.log(arg.name, ': is activated');
- deactivateAll(arg);
- });
- });
- console.log(args);
- });
- }
- };
- });