
API Docs for: 5.4.0

File: src/js/RAMP/Modules/layerGroup.js

/* global define, tmpl, $, console */

* @module RAMP
* @submodule FilterManager
* @main FilterManager

* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "TmplHelper"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* {{#crossLink "Array"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* {{#crossLink "LayerItem"}}{{/crossLink}}  
* ####Uses RAMP Templates:
* {{#crossLink "templates/layer_selector_template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @class LayerGroup
* @constructor
* @uses dojo/Evented
* @uses dojo/_base/declare
* @uses dojo/_base/lang
* @uses dojo/_base/array
* @param {Array} layers an array of layer config definitions to be added to the group
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options
* @param {String} [options.layerGroupType] Specifies type of this LayerGroup and the name of the layer group template to use
* @param {String} [options.layerState] Specifies the initial state of any LyerItem added to this group; must be one of the `LayerItem.state` defaults
* @param {String} [options.layerType] Specifies type of any LayerItem added to this group and the name of the layer item template to use
* @param {Object} [options.stateMatrix] additional state matrix records to be mixed into the default
* @param {Object} [options.transitionMatrix] additional state transition matrix records to be mixed into the default

* @return {LayerGroup} A control object representing a group of layers allowing to dynamically change their states.

    'dojo/Evented', 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang',

    /* Text */

    /* Util */
    'utils/tmplHelper', 'utils/array',

    /* RAMP */
    function (
        Evented, declare, lang,
        TmplHelper, UtilArray,
        LayerItem) {
        'use strict';

        return declare([Evented], {
            constructor: function (layers, options) {
                var that = this;

                // declare individual properties inside the constructor: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_base/declare.html#id6
                         * A node of the LayerGroup.
                         * @property node
                         * @type JObject
                         * @default null
                        node: null,

                         * A node of the list in the LayerGroup.
                         * @property node
                         * @private
                         * @type JObject
                         * @default null
                        _listNode: null,

                         * Templates to be used in construction of the layer nodes.
                         * @property templates
                         * @type Object
                         * @default layer_selector_template.json
                        templates: JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(layer_selector_template)),

                         * Specifies type of this LayerGroup and the name of the layer group template to use; is set by `layerGroupType` value;
                         * @property layerGroupType
                         * @type String
                         * @default 'layer_group'
                        layerGroupType: 'layer_group',

                         * Specifies type of any LayerItem added to this group during initialization and the name of the layer item template to use; is set by `layerType` value;; can be overwritten when adding individual layers by `options.type`.
                         * @property type
                         * @type String
                         * @default null
                        layerType: null,

                         * State of any LayerItem added to this group during its initialization; is set by `layerSate` value; can be overwritten when adding individual layers by `options.state`.
                         * @property state
                         * @type String
                         * @default LayerItem.state.DEFAULT
                        layerState: LayerItem.state.DEFAULT,

                         * An array of resulting LayerItem objects.
                         * @property layerItems
                         * @type Array
                         * @default []
                        layerItems: []

                // create group node from the template
                tmpl.cache = {};
                tmpl.templates = this.templates;

                this.node = $(tmpl(this.layerGroupType, {}));
                this._listNode = this.node.find('ul');


                this.layerItems.forEach(function (layer) {

             * Constructs and adds a LayerItem to the LayerGroup.
             * @param {Object} layer config of the layer to be added
             * @param {Object} options additional options allowing for customization
             * @method addLayerItem
             * @return {Object} the item that was added
            addLayerItem: function (layer, options) {
                var layerItem,
                    layerItemOptions = {
                        state: this.layerState,
                        type: this.layerType

                // augment existing stateMatrix or create a new one
                /*if (options && options.stateMatrix) {
                    options.stateMatrix = this._constructStateMatrix(layer, options.stateMatrix);
                } else {
                    layerItemOptions.stateMatrix = this._constructStateMatrix(layer);

                lang.mixin(layerItemOptions, options);

                layerItem = new LayerItem(layer, layerItemOptions);


                if (this.layerItems.length === 1) {

                return layerItem;

             * Removes the specified LayerItem from the LayerGroup.
             * @param {String} layerId id of the layer to be removed
             * @method removeLayerItem
             * @return {Object} this LayerGroup for chaining
            removeLayerItem: function (layerId) {
                var layerItem = this.getLayerItem(layerId);

                // remove layerItem from DOM

                // remove layerItem from the list
                UtilArray.remove(this.layerItems, layerItem, function (l) {
                    return l.id === layerItem.id;

                if (this.layerItems.length === 0) {

                return this;

             * Modifies the state matrix of the layer to accommodate types of layers that might not use/have all the default controls or have extra controls.
             * @param {Object} layerConfig layer config
             * @param {Object} [stateMatrix] optional stateMatrix
             * @method _constructStateMatrix
             * @private
             * @return {Object} modified layer state matrix
            _constructStateMatrix: function (layerConfig, stateMatrix) {
                stateMatrix = stateMatrix || LayerItem.getStateMatrixTemplate();

                if (!layerConfig.settings.panelEnabled) {
                    LayerItem.removeStateMatrixPart(stateMatrix, 'controls', LayerItem.controls.SETTINGS);

                // add wms query toggle if there is no layer extent property - layer is a wms layer
                if (!layerConfig.layerExtent && !layerConfig.isStatic) {
                    LayerItem.addStateMatrixPart(stateMatrix, 'toggles', LayerItem.toggles.QUERY, 

                return stateMatrix;

             * Constructs and adds a LayerItem to the LayerGroup.
             * @param {String} layerId an id of the LayerItem to set the state on
             * @param {String} state state to be set; must be one of the `LayerItem.state` defaults
             * @param {Object} options additional options allowing for customization
             * @method setState
            setState: function (layerId, state, options) {
                var layerItem = this.getLayerItem(layerId);

                if (layerItem) {
                    layerItem.setState(state, options);

             * Finds and returns a LayerItem object with the specified id. If none found, returns null.
             * @param {String} layerId an id of the LayerItem to return
             * @return {LayerItem} a LayerItem with the specified id
             * @method getLayerItem
            getLayerItem: function (layerId) {
                var layerItem;

                layerItem = UtilArray.find(this.layerItems, function (li) {
                    return li.id === layerId;

                return layerItem;