/* global define, tmpl, $, console, i18n */
* @module RAMP
* @submodule FilterManager
* @main FilterManager
* Create a layer item for each map layer to be displayed in the layer selector. Allows for dynamic changing of the layer item state.
* ####Imports RAMP Modules:
* {{#crossLink "Util"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "TmplHelper"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "TmplUtil"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "Array"}}{{/crossLink}}
* {{#crossLink "Dictionary"}}{{/crossLink}}
* ####Uses RAMP Templates:
* {{#crossLink "templates/layer_selector_template.json"}}{{/crossLink}}
* @class LayerItem
* @constructor
* @uses dojo/Evented
* @uses dojo/_base/declare
* @uses dojo/lang
* @param {Object} config a config definition of the layer
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options
* @param {String} [options.state] Specifies the initial state of the LyerItem; must be one of the `LayerItem.state` defaults
* @param {String} [options.type] Specifies type of this LayerItem and the name of the layer item template to use
* @param {Object} [options.stateMatrix] additional state matrix records to be mixed into the default
* @param {Object} [options.transitionMatrix] additional state transition matrix records to be mixed into the default
* @return {LayerItem} A control object representing a layer allowing to dynamically change its state.
'dojo/Evented', 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang',
/* Text */
/* Util */
'utils/util', 'utils/tmplHelper', 'utils/tmplUtil', 'utils/array', 'utils/dictionary', 'utils/bricks'
function (
Evented, declare, lang,
Util, TmplHelper, TmplUtil, UtilArray, UtilDict, Bricks
) {
'use strict';
var LayerItem,
LayerItem = declare([Evented], {
constructor: function (config, options) {
// declare individual properties inside the constructor: http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.9/dojo/_base/declare.html#id6
* Layer id. Upon initialization, `id` can be overwritten by `config.id` value.
* @property id
* @type String
* @default null
id: null,
* A node of the LayerItem.
* @property node
* @type JObject
* @default null
node: null,
* A copy of the layer config supplied during LayerItem creation; is set to `config` value.
* @property _config
* @private
* @type Object
* @default null
_config: null,
* A node of the image container.
* @property _imageContainerNode
* @private
* @type JObject
* @default null
_imageContainerNode: null,
* A node of the layer display name.
* @property _displayNameNode
* @private
* @type JObject
* @default null
_displayNameNode: null,
* A node of the layer controls.
* @property _controlsNode
* @private
* @type JObject
* @default null
_controlsNode: null,
* A node of the layer toggles.
* @property _togglesNode
* @private
* @type JObject
* @default null
_togglesNode: null,
* A node of the layer toggles.
* @property _togglesNode
* @private
* @type JObject
* @default null
_noticesNode: null,
* A node of the layer toggles.
* @property _togglesNode
* @private
* @type JObject
* @default null
_settingsNode: null,
* A dictionary of control nodes available for this layer.
* @property _controlStore
* @private
* @type Object
* @default {}
_controlStore: {},
* A dictionary of toggle nodes available for this layer.
* @property _toggleStore
* @private
* @type Object
* @default {}
_toggleStore: {},
* A dictionary of notice nodes available for this layer.
* @property _noticeStore
* @private
* @type Object
* @default {}
_noticeStore: {},
* A dictionary of setting nodes available for this layer.
* @property _settingStore
* @private
* @type Object
* @default {}
_settingsStore: {},
* Templates to be used in construction of the layer nodes.
* @property templates
* @type Object
* @default layer_selector_template.json
templates: JSON.parse(TmplHelper.stringifyTemplate(layer_selector_template)),
* State of this LayerItem; can be overwritten by `options.state`.
* @property state
* @type String
* @default LayerItem.state.DEFAULT
state: LayerItem.state.DEFAULT,
* Specifies type of this LayerItem and the name of the layer item template to use; can be overwritten by `options.type`.
* @property type
* @type String
* @default null
type: null
id: config.id,
_config: config,
* Specifies a state matrix for this particular LayerItem. The default is mixed with `options.stateMatrix` upon initialization.
* The state matrix prescribes what controls, toggles, and notices are present in specific states.
* @property stateMatrix
* @type Object
* @default LayerItem.stateMatrix
stateMatrix: lang.mixin(
* Specifies a state transition matrix for this particular LayerItem. The default is mixed with `options.transitionMatrix` upon initialization.
* The state transition matrix prescribes the direction of state changes for specific states.
* @property transitionMatrix
* @type Object
* @default LayerItem.transitionMatrix
transitionMatrix: lang.mixin(
// can't use i18n before locale files are loaded, so have to set brick templates after
if (!LayerItem.brickTemplates) {
LayerItem.brickTemplates = {
bounding_box_brick: {
type: Bricks.CheckboxfsBrick,
config: {
label: i18n.t('filterManager.boundingBox'),
customContainerClass: 'bbox',
checked: false//,
//instructions: i18n.t('addDataset.help.dataSource')
all_data_brick: {
type: Bricks.ChoiceBrick,
config: {
header: i18n.t('filterManager.layerData'),
template: 'default_choice_brick_inline_template',
containerClass: 'choice-brick-inline-container',
customContainerClass: 'all-data',
choices: [
key: 'layerDataPrefetch',
value: i18n.t('filterManager.layerDataPrefetch')
//instructions: i18n.t('addDataset.help.dataSource')
all_data_checked_brick: {
type: Bricks.ChoiceBrick,
config: {
header: i18n.t('filterManager.layerData'),
template: 'default_choice_brick_inline_template',
containerClass: 'choice-brick-inline-container',
customContainerClass: 'all-data',
isEnabled: false,
preselect: 'layerDataPrefetch',
choices: [
key: 'layerDataPrefetch',
value: i18n.t('filterManager.layerDataPrefetch')
//instructions: i18n.t('addDataset.help.dataSource')
tmpl.cache = {};
tmpl.templates = this.templates;
var info = this._config;
info.fn = TmplUtil;
this.node = $(tmpl(this.type, info));
this._imageBoxNode = this.node.find('.layer-details > div:first');
this._displayNameNode = this.node.find('.layer-name > span');
this._controlsNode = this.node.find('.layer-controls-group');
this._togglesNode = this.node.find('.layer-checkboxes');
this._noticesNode = this.node.find('.layer-notices');
this._settingsNode = this.node.find('.layer-settings');
this._generateParts('controls', 'layer_control_', this._controlStore);
this._generateParts('toggles', 'layer_toggle_', this._toggleStore);
this._generateParts('notices', 'layer_notice_', this._noticeStore);
this._generateParts('settings', 'layer_setting_', this._settingsStore);
this.setState(this.state, options, true);
console.debug('-->', this.state, options);
* Generates control, toggle, and notice nodes for the LayerItem object to be used in different states.
* @param {String} partType name of the part type - 'controls', 'toggles', or 'notices'
* @param {String} templateKey a template name prefix for the template parts
* @param {Object} partStore a dictionary to store generated nodes
* @method _generateParts
* @private
_generateParts: function (partType, templateKey, partStore) {
var that = this,
partKeys = [],
.forEach(function (s) {
stateKey = LayerItem.state[s];
partKeys = partKeys.concat(that.stateMatrix[stateKey][partType]);
partKeys = UtilArray.unique(partKeys);
partKeys.forEach(function (pKey) {
if (LayerItem.brickTemplates[pKey]) {
brickTemplate = LayerItem.brickTemplates[pKey];
brickPart = brickTemplate.type.new(pKey, brickTemplate.config);
// TODO: fix
// hack to get the data-layer-id attribute onto checkboxBrick input node
// used in conjunction with ChekcboxGroup in FilterManager; will be removed when layerItem is switched full to Bricks and
// LayerCollection controller is added in between filterManager and LayerGroup.
if (Bricks.CheckboxBrick.isPrototypeOf(brickPart)) {
brickPart.inputNode.attr('data-layer-id', that._config.id);
} else {
brickPart.choiceButtons.attr('data-layer-id', that._config.id);
part = brickPart.node;
} else {
part = that._generatePart(templateKey, pKey);
partStore[pKey] = (part);
* Generates a control given the template name and additional data object to pass to the template engine.
* @param {String} templateKey a template name prefix for the template parts
* @param {String} pKey name of the template to build
* @param {Object} [data] optional data to pass to template engine; used to update strings on notice objects
* @method _generatePart
* @private
* @return Created part node
_generatePart: function (templateKey, pKey, data) {
tmpl.cache = {};
tmpl.templates = this.templates;
var info = {
id: this.id,
config: this._config,
nameKey: pKey,
data: data
info.fn = TmplUtil;
var part = $(tmpl(templateKey + pKey, info));
return part;
* Changes the state of the LayerItem and update its UI representation.
* @param {String} state name of the state to be set
* @param {Object} [options] additional options
* @param {Object} [options.notices] custom information to be displayed in a notice for the current state if needed; object structure is not set; look at the appropriate template;
* @example
* {
* notices: {
* error: {
* message: "I am error"
* },
* scale: {
* message: "All your base are belong to us"
* }
* }
* }
* @param {Boolean} force if `true`, forces the state change even if it's no allowed by the `transitionMatrix`
* @method setState
setState: function (state, options, force) {
var allowedStates = this.transitionMatrix[this.state],
that = this;
if (allowedStates.indexOf(state) !== -1 || force) {
this.state = state;
//lang.mixin(this, options);
// set state class on the layerItem root node
// regenerate notice controls if extra data is provided
if (options) {
if (options.notices) {
UtilDict.forEachEntry(options.notices, function (pKey, data) {
notice = that._generatePart('layer_notice_', pKey, data);
that._noticeStore[pKey] = (notice);
// store reference to a focused node inside this layer item if any
focusedNode = this.node.find(':focus');
this._setParts('controls', this._controlStore, this._controlsNode);
this._setParts('toggles', this._toggleStore, this._togglesNode);
this._setParts('notices', this._noticeStore, this._noticesNode);
this._setParts('settings', this._settingsStore, this._settingsNode);
switch (this.state) {
case LayerItem.state.DEFAULT:
case LayerItem.state.LOADING:
this.node.attr('aria-busy', true); // indicates that the region is loading
case LayerItem.state.LOADED:
this.node.attr('aria-busy', false); // indicates that the loading is complete
case LayerItem.state.ERROR:
case LayerItem.state.OFF_SCALE:
// reset focus after changing layer item's state
if (focusedNode.length > 0) {
// if the previously focused node still in DOM, set focus to it
if (Util.containsInDom(focusedNode[0])) {
} else { // if this node is no longer in DOM, set focus to the first focusable element in layer item
return true;
} else {
return false;
refresh: function () {
this.setState(this.state, null, true);
* Sets controls, toggles, and notices of the LayerItem according to its state.
* @param {String} partType name of the part type - 'controls', 'toggles', or 'notices'
* @param {Object} partStore a dictionary to store generated nodes
* @param {JObject} target a jQuery node where the nodes should be appended
* @method _setParts
* @private
_setParts: function (partType, partStore, target) {
var controls = [];
this.stateMatrix[this.state][partType].forEach(function (pKey) {
// use detach instead of empty to preserve handlers that jQuery deletes on empty
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2027706/why-do-registered-events-disappear-when-an-element-is-removed-from-dom/14900035#14900035
// http://api.jquery.com/detach/
* Helper function to check if `states` parameter is false or []. If empty array is supplied, all available states are returned
* @param {Array} [states] state names
* @method getStateNames
* @private
function getStateNames(states) {
if (typeof states === 'undefined' || !states || states.length === 0) {
states = Object
.map(function (key) { return LayerItem.state[key]; });
return states;
* Helper function to check if `partKeys` parameter is false or []. If empty array is supplied, all available partKeys for the specified partType are returned.
* @param {String} partType a part type
* @param {Array} [partKeys] part keys
* @method getPartKeys
* @return {Array} an array of partKeys
* @private
function getPartKeys(partType, partKeys) {
if (typeof partKeys === 'undefined' || !partKeys || partKeys.length === 0) {
partKeys = Object
.map(function (key) { return LayerItem[partType][key]; });
return partKeys;
* A default collection of possible LayerItem states.
* @property LayerItem.state
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* state: {
* DEFAULT: 'layer-state-default',
* LOADING: 'layer-state-loading',
* LOADED: 'layer-state-loaded',
* UPDATING: 'layer-state-updating',
* ERROR: 'layer-state-error',
* OFF_SCALE: 'layer-state-off-scale'
* }
state: {
DEFAULT: 'layer-state-default',
LOADING: 'layer-state-loading',
LOADED: 'layer-state-loaded',
UPDATING: 'layer-state-updating',
ERROR: 'layer-state-error',
OFF_SCALE: 'layer-state-off-scale'
* A default collection of possible LayerItem part types.
* @property LayerItem.partTypes
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* partTypes: {
* TOGGLES: 'toggles',
* CONTROLS: 'controls',
* NOTICES: 'notices',
* SETTINGS: 'settings'
* }
partTypes: {
TOGGLES: 'toggles',
CONTROLS: 'controls',
NOTICES: 'notices',
SETTINGS: 'settings'
* A default collection of possible LayerItem controls.
* @property LayerItem.controls
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* controls: {
* METADATA: 'metadata',
* SETTINGS: 'settings',
* LOADING: 'loading',
* REMOVE: 'remove',
* RELOAD: 'reload',
* ERROR: 'error'
* }
controls: {
METADATA: 'metadata',
SETTINGS: 'settings',
LOADING: 'loading',
REMOVE: 'remove',
RELOAD: 'reload',
ERROR: 'error'
* A default collection of possible LayerItem toggles.
* @property LayerItem.toggles
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* toggles: {
* EYE: 'eye',
* BOX: 'box',
* RELOAD: 'reload',
* HIDE: 'hide',
* ZOOM: 'zoom',
* PLACEHOLDER: 'placeholder'
* }
toggles: {
EYE: 'eye',
BOX: 'box',
RELOAD: 'reload',
HIDE: 'hide',
ZOOM: 'zoom',
PLACEHOLDER: 'placeholder',
QUERY: 'query'
* A default collection of possible LayerItem notices.
* @property LayerItem.notices
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* notices: {
* SCALE: 'scale'
* ERROR: 'error',
* UPDATE: 'update',
* USER: 'user'
* }
notices: {
SCALE: 'scale',
ERROR: 'error',
UPDATE: 'update',
USER: 'user'
* A default collection of possible LayerItem settings.
* @property LayerItem.settings
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* settings: {
* OPACITY: 'opacity',
* BOUNDING_BOX: 'bounding_box',
* SNAPSHOT: 'snapshot'
* }
settings: {
OPACITY: 'opacity',
BOUNDING_BOX: 'bounding_box_brick',
SNAPSHOT: 'snapshot',
ALL_DATA: 'all_data_brick',
ALL_DATA_CHECKED: 'all_data_checked_brick' // a Choice brick which is alreayd preselected
* A default state matrix specifying what controls are active in which state.
* @property LayerItem.stateMatrix
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* controls: [
* LayerItem.controls.METADATA,
* LayerItem.controls.SETTINGS
* ],
* toggles: [
* LayerItem.toggles.EYE,
* LayerItem.toggles.BOX
* ],
* notices: []
* },
* controls: [
* LayerItem.controls.LOADING
* ],
* toggles: [],
* notices: []
* },
* controls: [],
* toggles: [],
* notices: []
* },
* controls: [
* LayerItem.controls.METADATA,
* LayerItem.controls.SETTINGS
* ],
* toggles: [
* LayerItem.toggles.EYE,
* LayerItem.toggles.BOX
* ],
* notices: [
* LayerItem.notices.UPDATE
* ]
* },
* ERROR: {
* controls: [
* LayerItem.controls.RELOAD,
* LayerItem.controls.REMOVE
* ],
* toggles: [],
* notices: [
* LayerItem.notices.ERROR
* ]
* },
* controls: [
* LayerItem.controls.METADATA,
* LayerItem.controls.SETTINGS
* ],
* toggles: [
* LayerItem.toggles.ZOOM,
* LayerItem.toggles.EYE,
* LayerItem.toggles.BOX
* ],
* notices: [
* LayerItem.notices.SCALE
* ]
* }
stateMatrix: {},
* A default state transition matrix specifying to what state the LayerItem can transition.
* @property LayerItem.transitionMatrix
* @static
* @type Object
* @example
* LayerItem.state.ERROR,
* LayerItem.state.OFF_SCALE,
* LayerItem.state.UPDATING
* ],
* LayerItem.state.DEFAULT
* ],
* LayerItem.state.LOADED
* ],
* LayerItem.state.ERROR,
* LayerItem.state.OFF_SCALE,
* LayerItem.state.DEFAULT
* ],
* ERROR: [
* LayerItem.state.LOADING
* ],
* LayerItem.state.ERROR,
* LayerItem.state.DEFAULT,
* LayerItem.state.UPDATING
* ]
transitionMatrix: {},
* A temporary store for brick templates.
* TODO: re-think how to best use brick/templates inside the layer item
* @property LayerItem.brickTemplates
* @static
* @type Object
* @default null
brickTemplates: null
// setting defaults for state matrix
LayerItem.stateMatrix[LayerItem.state.DEFAULT] = {
controls: [
toggles: [],
notices: [],
settings: [
LayerItem.stateMatrix[LayerItem.state.LOADING] = {
controls: [
toggles: [],
notices: [],
settings: [
LayerItem.stateMatrix[LayerItem.state.LOADED] = {
controls: [],
toggles: [],
notices: [],
settings: []
LayerItem.stateMatrix[LayerItem.state.UPDATING] = {
controls: [
toggles: [],
notices: [
settings: [
LayerItem.stateMatrix[LayerItem.state.ERROR] = {
controls: [
toggles: [],
notices: [
settings: [
LayerItem.stateMatrix[LayerItem.state.OFF_SCALE] = {
controls: [
toggles: [
notices: [
settings: [
// setting defaults for transition matrix
LayerItem.transitionMatrix[LayerItem.state.DEFAULT] = [
LayerItem.transitionMatrix[LayerItem.state.LOADING] = [
LayerItem.transitionMatrix[LayerItem.state.LOADED] = [
LayerItem.transitionMatrix[LayerItem.state.UPDATING] = [
LayerItem.transitionMatrix[LayerItem.state.ERROR] = [
LayerItem.transitionMatrix[LayerItem.state.OFF_SCALE] = [
* Modifies a given state matrix by adding specified partKey to the specified partType collection.
* @param {Object} stateMatrix matrix to modify
* @param {String} partType type of the parts to modify: `controls`, `toggles`, `notices`
* @param {String} partKey part key to be inserted into the collection
* @param {Array} [states] array of state names to insert the part into; if false or [], all states are assumed
* @param {Boolean} [prepend] indicates if the part key should be prepended or appended
* @method addStateMatrixPart
* @static
LayerItem.addStateMatrixPart = function (stateMatrix, partType, partKey, states, prepend) {
var parts;
states = getStateNames(states);
states.forEach(function (state) {
parts = stateMatrix[state][partType];
if (prepend) {
} else {
/*UtilDict.forEachEntry(stateMatrix, function (state, data) {
if (states.indexOf(state) !== -1) {
if (prepend) {
} else {
* Sets given matrix states by adding specified partKeys to the specified partType collection.
* @param {Object} stateMatrix matrix to modify
* @param {String} partType type of the parts to modify: `controls`, `toggles`, `notices`
* @param {Array} [partKeys] an array of part key names to be inserted into the collection; if false or [], all part keys are assumed
* @param {Array} [states] array of state names to insert the part into; if false or [], all states are assumed
* @param {Boolean} [prepend] indicates if the part key should be prepended or appended
* @param {Boolean} [clear] a flag to clear existing partKey collections
* @method addStateMatrixParts
* @static
LayerItem.addStateMatrixParts = function (stateMatrix, partType, partKeys, states, prepend, clear) {
var that = this;
partKeys = getPartKeys(partType, partKeys);
states = getStateNames(states);
// remove partkeys
if (clear) {
states.forEach(function (state) {
stateMatrix[state][partType] = [];
// add new ones
partKeys.forEach(function (partKey) {
that.addStateMatrixPart(stateMatrix, partType, partKey, states, prepend);
* Modifies a given state matrix by removing specified partKey to the specified partType collection.
* @param {Object} stateMatrix matrix to modify
* @param {String} partType type of the parts to modify: `controls`, `toggles`, `notices`
* @param {String} partKey part key to be removed from the collection
* @param {Array} [states] array of state names to remove the part from; if false or [], all states are assumed
* @method addStateMatrixPart
* @static
LayerItem.removeStateMatrixPart = function (stateMatrix, partType, partKey, states) {
states = getStateNames(states);
states.forEach(function (state) {
UtilArray.remove(stateMatrix[state][partType], partKey);
* Modifies a given state matrix by removing specified partKeys to the specified partType collection.
* @param {Object} stateMatrix matrix to modify
* @param {String} partType type of the parts to modify: `controls`, `toggles`, `notices`
* @param {String} [partKeys] array of part key names to be removed from the collection; if false or [], all part keys are assumed
* @param {Array} [states] array of state names to remove the part from; if false or [], all states are assumed
* @method removeStateMatrixParts
* @static
LayerItem.removeStateMatrixParts = function (stateMatrix, partType, partKeys, states) {
var that = this;
partKeys = getPartKeys(partType, partKeys);
states = getStateNames(states);
// remove partkey from states
partKeys.forEach(function (partKey) {
that.removeStateMatrixPart(stateMatrix, partType, partKey, states);
* Get a deep copy of the default stateMatrix.
* @method getStateMatrixTemplate
* @static
* @return {Object} a deep copy of the default stateMatrix
LayerItem.getStateMatrixTemplate = function () {
return lang.clone(LayerItem.stateMatrix);
// a string with all possible layerItem state CSS classes joined by ' '; used to clear any CSS state class from the node
.map(function (key) { return LayerItem.state[key]; })
.join(' ');
return LayerItem;