
API Docs for: 5.4.1

FeatureHighlighter Class

A class responsible for highlighting points, lines, and shapes on the map upon selection and consequent hover actions. The highlighting is achieved by manipulating svg rendering of the map as follows:

  • all existing feature layers are wrapped into a group object
  • three more group objects are created:
    • highlight group is positioned after the graphicGroup
    • zoomlight group is positioned before the graphicGroup
    • hoverlight group is positioned before the zoomlight group

and changing the opacity of the graphicGroup while adding shapes to one or more of the additional group objects.

Imports RAMP Modules:

GlobalStorage Map EventManager Util Dictionary



  • graphic

Creates a copy of the given graphic object.


  • graphic Object

    Graphic object to clone


clone A cloned Graphic object


  • eventArg

Clones the Graphic object from the event, adds it to the Highlight layer, and lowers the opacity of other map layers to make the cloned Graphic stand out.



() private

Clears the Highlight layer and restores the opacity of the map layers.


  • eventArg

Clones the Graphic object from the event, adds it to the Hoverlight layer.



() private

Clears the Hoverlight layer.



Initiates the FeatureHighlighter static class.


() private

Initiates various listeners for the class.


() private

If there a Graphic in the Highlihgh layer, resets it's bounding box and repositions an interactive maptip to match the top center of the boudning box of the highlighted graphic.


() private

Sorts and groups the svg representation of the map layers on the page to make highlighting work. Group all the feature layers and create new groups for highlight, zoomlight, and hoverlight layers.


  • eventArg

Clones the Graphic object from the event, adds it to the Zoomlight layer, and lowers the opacity of other map layers to make the cloned Graphic stand out.



() private

Clears the Zoomlight layer and restores the opacity of the map layers if the Highlight layer is empty.


FeatureHighlighter.HIGHLIGHT_HIDE [subscribed]

Provided by the UI module.

Defined in src/js/RAMP/Modules/eventManager.js:302

Dehighlights a currently highlighted feature on the map and restores opacity of the rest of the layers; hides the interactive tooltip.

FeatureHighlighter.HIGHLIGHT_SHOW [subscribed]

Provided by the UI module.

Defined in src/js/RAMP/Modules/eventManager.js:289

Permanently highlights a given feature on the map; display an interactive tooltip for this feature; reduces opacity of the graphicGroup layers. Even when the user moves the cursor away, the feature stays highlighted; tooltip stays put. Only one feature can be highlighted like this at a time.

Event Payload:

  • evt Object

    the event Object

    • graphic Esri/Graphic

      original graphic that should be highlighted

FeatureHighlighter.HOVERLIGHT_HIDE [subscribed]

Provided by the UI module.

Defined in src/js/RAMP/Modules/eventManager.js:322

Dehighlights a currently highlighted (hoverlighted) feature on the map without restoring opacity of the rest of the layers;

FeatureHighlighter.HOVERLIGHT_SHOW [subscribed]

Provided by the UI module.

Defined in src/js/RAMP/Modules/eventManager.js:311

Temporarilly highlights (hoverlights) a given feature on the map. Intended to be dehighlighted when the user moves the cursor away; to do that, publish HOVERLIGHT_HIDE event. Effect is only visible when another feature is already permanently highlighted. Only one feature can be highlighted like this at a time.

Event Payload:

  • eventAttr Object

    ESRI feature click even attributes

FeatureHighlighter.ZOOMLIGHT_HIDE [subscribed]

Provided by the UI module.

Defined in src/js/RAMP/Modules/eventManager.js:343

Dehighlights a currently highlighted (zoomlighted) feature on the map; Removes the tooltip. Restores the opacity of the graphicGroup layers if no feature is highlighted at present.

FeatureHighlighter.ZOOMLIGHT_SHOW [subscribed]

Provided by the UI module.

Defined in src/js/RAMP/Modules/eventManager.js:330

Temporarilly highlights (zoomlightes) a given feature on the map. Intended to be dehighlighted when the user makes an action like panning or zooming the map, publish ZOOMLIGHT_HIDE event. Displays a temporary tooltip for this feature; Only one feature can be highlighted (zoomlighted) like this at a time.

Event Payload:

  • evt Object

    the event Object

    • graphic Esri/Graphic

      original graphic that should be highlighted