External Library Implementations
Work in progress
This page is a work in progress and requires review. Please file an issue if information or coding is missing, incorrect or out of sync with the main repository (ramp-pcar/ramp-pcar).
v 3.2.5
A library supporting CSS animation.
Used for various animation effects.
v 0.7.5
A library supporting base-64 string encoding that will play nice with dojo modules.
Used for encoding symbology graphics in user added layers.
v 3.7.1
A library to convert CSV files to GeoJSON format.
Used for the Add CSV File function.
v 1.10.7
A grid control that allows for rich formatting but keeps the grid in an accessible form. Features pagination, sorting. Unlike most grids, does not use DIVs for formatting / structure.
Used for the main grid control in the app.
Dojo Toolkit
v 1.9.1
Main framework used in RAMP. Provides a module-based structure that helps javascript behave in a manner similar to object oriented languages. This framework is also used by the ESRI javascript API, and is imported via that API.
Used throughout the application.
ESRI Javascript API
v 3.13
Main mapping API used in RAMP. Handles all of the mapping and GIS related functions (e.g. drawing, querying spatial data).
Used throughout the application.
v 4.3.0
Library providing vector based fonts and sybmols.
Used for Toolbar Icons.
v 0.5.8
A collection of UI components.
Used for checkboxes.
GSAP - GreenSock Animation Platform
v 1.16.1
GSAP is a suite of tools for scripted, high-performance HTML5 animations that work in all major browsers. Specific tools include TweenLite, TimelineLite, EasePack, and CSSPlugin.
Used for the power transitional animation of the layout.
Hover Intent
v 1.8.1
A tool for determining user intent based on mouse movement.
Used to highlight interactive elements of the site.
i18next - i18n for JavaScript
v 1.8.0
i18next is a full-featured i18n javascript library for translating your webapplication.
Used for translation of the webmap.
v 2.1.1
jQuery makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
jQuery UI
v 1.11.4
A jQuery library with effects, widgets, themes, and other UI-type items in it.
It is used to generate the navigation widget. The widget is found in file jquery.ui.navigation.js
Nestoria Sliders jQuery Plugin
v 1.0.10
Fully customizable with CSS, Single/Double handles, Touch-enabled, IE 7+ Compatibility, Custom Digit Rounding, Non linear step increments!
Powers the opacity slider control for the Filter Manager module.
v 1
Library that picks random colours that look nice.
Used in the symbology generator when adding user-hosted files.
v 2.1.0
A library for implementing animated scrolling.
Used to scroll the datagrid to the selected row (if row is not on the page).
v 0.3.3
A library to support prototypal multiple inheritance .
Used for class inheritance of the Bricks-based objects.
Shapefile JS
v 3.1.5
A library to convert Shapefiles to GeoJSON format.
Used for the Add Shapefile File function.
v 1.0.0
A library that allows long text to be truncated, and provides a “show more” option to expand it.
Used in the detail panel to trim long text items
v 0.3.0
A library for working with scalar vector graphics.
Used for managing graphics layers and repositioning anchor maptips in the featureHighlighter module.
v 0.5.1
A tree traversal library
Used for navigating the choice tree in the data loader UI.
v 1.0.4
http://terraformer.io/core/ http://terraformer.io/arcgis-parser/
A library for working with GeoJSON, and converting it to ESRI Geometry JSON.
Used to convert user-hosted files into ESRI Feature Layers.
v 1
https://github.com/RAMP-PCAR/terraformer-proj4js http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/
An implementation of the proj.4 projection libary into the Terraformer library.
Used to reproject user-hosted spatial data to the map’s spatial projection.
v 2.5.6
https://github.com/RAMP-PCAR/JavaScript-Templates https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-Templates
A templating engine; applies templates to data and produces HTML.
Used throughout the application to generate content. E.g. maptip content, detail pane content, grid cell content, filter row content. We use a modified version of the engine, the forked repo is available on our github site.
v 3.0.1-r
http://iamceege.github.io/tooltipster / https://github.com/RAMP-PCAR/tooltipster.git#rampfix
A library that provides tooltips with CSS enhancements.
Used for maptips, and also tooltips on the datagrid and filter manager rows. Note that RAMP uses a modified version of the library, hosted at the RAMP-PCAR tooltipster repository.
v 1.0.1
http://hayageek.com/jquery-url-shortener /
A library for shortening URLs.
Used in the Get Link widget to allow user to have a shortened link.
Web Experience Toolkit
v 4.0.5
https://github.com/wet-boew/wet-boew /
A front-end framework that focuses on accessibility, usability, and interoperability. A standard for most Government of Canada websites.
Used to construct the page that contains the RAMP application.
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