RAMP Naming Conventions

Work in progress

This page is a work in progress and requires review. Please file an issue if information or coding is missing, incorrect or out of sync with the main repository (ramp-pcar/ramp-pcar).

Resource dictionary
a singleton object that only contain read-only fields (in C# or Java, these would be classes that cannot be instantiated and only contain public static fields)
a singleton object that contain useful functions but does not contain any fields (in C# or Java, these would be classes that cannot be instantiated and only contain public static functions)
Singleton object
a singleton object that contains both fields and functions (in C# or Java, these would be classes that cannot be instantiated, have static fields, and static functions). These are the only objects can have states that change over time (e.g. Map can have different extents, Datagrid can have different points, whereas the Resource dictionary never changes, neither do the Utility classes).
a module that is inherited (via mixin) by other modules, providing common functions to the inheritors.
Module Path Return Type Preferred Arg Alias
ramp/advancedToolbar singleton object AdvancedToolbar
ramp/attributeLoader singleton object AttributeLoader
ramp/basemapSelector singleton object BasemapSelector
ramp/bookmarkLink singleton object BookmarkLink
ramp/datagrid singleton object Datagrid
ramp/datagridClickHandler singleton object DatagridClickHandler
ramp/dataLoader singleton object DataLoader
ramp/dataLoaderGui singleton object DataLoaderGui
ramp/eventManager resource dictionary EventManager
ramp/featureClickHandler singleton object FeatureClickHandler
ramp/featureHighlighter singleton object FeatureHighlighter
ramp/filterManager singleton object FilterManager
ramp/geoSearch singleton object GeoSearch
ramp/globalStorage singleton object GlobalStorage
ramp/graphicExtension singleton object GraphicExtension
ramp/gui singleton object Gui
ramp/imageExport singleton object ImageExport
ramp/layerGroup class LayerGroup
ramp/layerItem class LayerItem
ramp/layerLoader singleton object LayerLoader
ramp/map singleton object Map
ramp/maptips singleton object Maptips
ramp/navigation singleton object Navigation
ramp/quickzoom class Quickzoom
ramp/stepItem class StepItem
ramp/theme singleton object Theme
tools/baseTool baseclass BaseTool
utils/array utilities UtilArray
utils/bricks utilities Bricks
utils/checkbox class Checkbox
utils/checkboxGroup class CheckboxGroup
utils/decorator utilities Decorator
utils/dictionary utilities UtilDict
utils/functionMangler singleton object FunctionMangler
utils/popupManager ? (singleton or utilities) PopupManager
utils/prototype singleton object UtilPrototype
utils/tmplHelper utilities TmplHelper
utils/tmplUtil utilities TmplUtil
utils/url class UtilUrl
utils/util utilities UtilMisc

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Module Architecture

Why many modules are singleton in RAMP:

  • There is only one map, one navigation widget, one datagrid, etc. There is no point of having an option to create two datagrids or two maps. Even if the datagrid needs a tabbing option, there may be multiple “tab” objects, but there is still only one datagrid.
  • Keeps code simpler. We no longer need to use “this.” everywhere. Using “this” caused a lot of problems with scope when we’re using anonymous functions (e.g. in publish/subscribe, arrayUtil.forEach, deferred.after). We need to “hitch” (using dojo/lang’s hitch function) the scope onto the function, and sometimes when there is an anonymous function nested in another anonymous function, the scoping gets tricky. Numerous times, a variable or function is unexpectedly undefined due to scoping issues. When something is singleton, we no longer use “this”, instead we declare all the variables at the top of the file, and due to closure, the variables are always in scope.
  • Each Utility class only needs one instance of itself, there’s no point of having two instance of the same Utility class.
  • Each Resource class only needs one instance of itself for the same reason.

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Additional Coding Conventions

We recommend using CodeMaid to clean up javascript files. This will ensure they have consistant spacing, indenting, etc. It is also available as a Visual Studio Plugin

All javascript should conform to JSHint rules, with the following configuration options enabled

// Enforce

bitwise: true
camelcase: false
curly: true
eqeqeq: true
es3: false
forin: true
freeze: true
immed: true
indent: false
latedef: true
newcap: true
noarg: true
noempty: false
nonew: true
plusplus: false
quotmark: false
undef: true
unused: true
strict: true
trailing: true

// Relax

asi: false
boss: false
debug: false
eqnull: true
esnext: false
evil: false
funcscope: false
gcl: false
globalstrict: false
iterator: false
lastsemic: false
laxbreak: false
laxcomma: false
loopfunc: false
maxerr: 50
moz: false
multistr: false
notypeof: false
proto: false
scripturl: false
smarttabs: true
shadow: false
sub: false
supernew: false
validthis: false
noyield: false

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