Add New Module in RAMP

Work in progress

This page is a work in progress and requires review. Please file an issue if information or coding is missing, incorrect or out of sync with the main repository (ramp-pcar/ramp-pcar).

RAMP modules is written in Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format. The AMD format is supported by Dojo module loader.

To create a module you use Dojo global function define; it allows you to register a module with the loader.


For more information on modules, see Introduction to AMD Modules tutorial on Dojo toolkit site.

RAMP modules organization

RAMP organizes modules into three different location in the source tree. GUI and map related modules are stored under the src/js/RAMP/Modules. Toolbar related plug-in are stored in src/js/RAMP/Tools folder. Any utility module is stored in the src/js/RAMP/Utils folder.

These folders are mapped to packages for Dojo framework via dojoConfig object in RAMP-starter.js. When dojoConfig loads, it will associate the package name with the module identifiers(path) and load the RAMP JavaScript module when needed.

dojoConfig = {
	packages: [
			location: pathname + jsFolderPath + "RAMP/Modules"

To access a module, the define function can automatically load dependencies for your current module. The dependency list is passed as parameters to be used in your current module.

For example, to use the RAMP module defined in js/RAMP/Modules/ramp.js. We can now add the package name and module name (“ramp/ramp”). The dojo loader will know how to access the ramp module via ramp.js file, and pass the module as Ramp in your current module.

	"ramp/ramp", "ramp/eventManager",
	], function( ..., Ramp, EventManager, ...){

RAMP Modules and Singleton Object

RAMP modules use singleton pattern extensively; lots of modules returning a singleton object to the global scope. The singleton object groups code into a single object to reduce the number of global variables.

Please take a look at RAMP Naming Conventions for more information on how RAMP modules are organized, and why singleton are used in various module.



Introduction to AMD Modules

Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig

Classy JavaScript with dojo/_base/declare

API reference:

The Dojo Loader

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