User Added Data

Adding Datasets

RAMP can now accept user loaded data either via the FileReader API or making XmlHttpRequests to specific URLs. This page documents in the API exposed by the new DataLoader module. DataLoader requests of the form get* or loadDataSet all use the Promise API for asynchronous loading.

IE9 Support

IE9 does not support the FileReader API and since reading the local filesystem requires support from the underlying browser it is not possible to build a pure javascript polyfill (any polyfills will use a plugin like flash, java, activex, etc.). For now we have decided to leave IE9 support for geojson / shapefiles as supporting loading from remote servers only.

Adding a Service

Currently ESRI feature services and WMSes are supported.

DataLoader exposes the following methods:

  • getFeatureLayer( esriUrl ) -> Promise
  • getWmsLayerList( wmsUrl ) -> Promise

getFeatureLayer resolves with basic metadata about the layer (enough to call the FeatureLayer constructor)

getWmsLayerList resolves with a set of supported getFeatureInfo mime types and a listing of available layers, internally it uses dojo/query to help with XML parsing

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Adding a File

GeoJSON, Shapefiles and CSV files are supported. GeoJSON is used as an intermediate format by the other formats. This part of the API depends heavily on third party libraries for much of the conversion.

DataLoader exposes the following methods for loading files:

  • loadDataSet( file/url ) -> Promise
  • buildCsv( csvText ) -> Promise
  • buildShapefile( data ) -> Promise
  • buildGeoJson( geoJson ) -> Promise
  • makeGeoJsonLayer( geoJson, opts ) -> FeatureLayer
  • csvPeek( csvText ) -> [header]

loadDataSet resolves with a string or an ArrayBuffer based on the type supplied in the args, typically this will be the first call made

buildGeoJson technically does not require a Promise as it makes no async calls, it directly calls makeGeoJsonLayer but it returns a Promise for API consistency

buildCsv takes in a string and some optional details about which columns contain lat/long data and what delimiter to use; all CSV data is assumed to be point data; resolves with a FeatureLayer

buildShapefile takes an ArrayBuffer and resolves with a FeatureLayer

csvPeek is a convenience wrapper around csv2geojson for reading the top row to allow for header selection

makeGeoJsonLayer takes in GeoJSON and converts it to a FeatureLayer; internally it handles reprojection and conversion to esri compatible JSON

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