Getting Started

Work in progress

This page is a work in progress and requires review. Please file an issue if information or coding is missing, incorrect or out of sync with the main repository (ramp-pcar/ramp-pcar).

I want to download source code and build the RAMP viewer

  1. Setup Build Tool for your platform.
  2. Create a GitHub account.
  3. Follow GitHub’s guides on setting up Git.
  4. Fork the latest RAMP repository by following the GitHub forking guide. This is a private repo. Contact Mike Weech to get access.
  5. Run grunt to build the project. You may run grunt --help to see the build target descriptions.
  6. The latest files will now be compiled in the build folder of the project.
  7. To contribute back, follow the instructions on how to create a pull request.

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I want to report a bug or ask a question about RAMP

  1. Create a GitHub account.
  2. Ask a question relating to the style guide by creating a new issue on GitHub.
  3. Report a bug, ask a question or request a feature relating to RAMP by filling out a new issue.

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I want to configure the RAMP viewer to use data of my choice

  1. Follow RAMP Quick Start Guide to setup your web mapping application.

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